Taxon Details

Euphorbia abramsiana

Abrams' spurge

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Taxon Summary:

Euphorbia abramsiana, commonly known as Abrams' spurge, is a annual herb in the Euphorbiaceae that is found in California and elsewhere. It occurs within Mojavean desert scrub, and Sonoran desert scrub, growing at elevations from -5 to 1310 meters. Euphorbia abramsiana is ranked 2B.2, Plants Rare, Threatened, or Endangered in California, But More Common Elsewhere; Moderately threatened in California.

Lifeform: annual herb
Blooming Period: (Aug)Sep-Nov
-5 - 1310 meters
-15 - 4300 feet
General Habitats:
  • Mojavean desert scrub
  • Sonoran desert scrub
Microhabitat Details:
  • Sandy
Threatened by vehicles, solar energy development, and non-native plants. See Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 33:109 (1934) for original description, Madroño 32(3):188 (1985) for alternative nomenclature, and Taxon 55:397-420 (2006) for taxonomic treatment.
Threat List Total: 8
Total EOs % of EOs
EOs with Threat Listed: 67 61 %
ORV activity 37 33%
Development 35 32%
Road/trail construction/maint. 16 14%
Non-native plant impacts 11 10%
Mining 6 5%
Total Occurrences: 109
Element Occurrence Ranks:
9 31 34 10 1 24
Occurrence Status:
Historical >20 Years 10
Recent <=20 Years 99
Presumed Extant 108
Possibly Extirpated 1
Presumed Extirpated 0
California Endemic:
California Island:
States: Name (Code)
Arizona (AZ), Baja California (BA), California (CA), Nevada (NV), Sonora, Mexico (SO)
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Imperial (IMP), Riverside (RIV), San Bernardino (SBD), San Diego (SDG)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Bonds Corner (3211563), Alpine (3211677), Amos (3311513), Augustine Pass (3311543), Blind Hills (3411573), Blythe NE (3311465), Borrego Mountain SE (3311611), Brawley (3211585), Cadiz Valley SW (3411514), Calexico (3211564), Carrizo Mtn. (3211671), Castle Peaks (3511532), Cibola (3311436), Clark Lake (3311633), Colton Well (3411584), Coyote Wells (3211568), Cross Roads (3411422), Desert Spring (3411583), Earthquake Valley (3311614), East of Dale Lake (3411525), Ford Dry Lake (3311561), Fountain Peak (3411585), Goffs (3411581), Hackberry Mountain (3511512), Harpers Well (3311518), Hart Peak (3511531), Hayfield (3311566), Hayfield Spring (3311565), Heber (3211565), Homer (3411488), Homer Mtn. (3511418), Hopkins Well (3311458), Humbug Mountain (3411517), Inca (3311477), Kane Spring NW (3311528), McCoy Peak (3311467), McCoy Spring (3311468), Monument Peak (3211684), Myoma (3311673), Parker SW (3411414), Rancho Mirage (3311664), Rice (3411417), Ripley (3311456), Roosevelt Mine (3311457), San Bernardino Wash (3311586), Shell Reef (3311621), Signal Hill (3511511), Sweeney Pass (3211672), Thumb Peak (3311447), Toro Peak (3311654), Tortuga (3311523), Valley Wells (3511546), Van Winkle Spring (3411575)
Definitions of codes following a county and/or quad:
* Presumed extirpated
(?) Occurrence confirmed, but possibly extirpated
Quad and county data is imported from the CNDDB. Species may be present in other areas where conditions are favorable. These data should NOT be substituted for pre-project review or for on-site surveys.
Presumed Extant
Click on quad for name. Hold Shift Key to use mouse scroll wheel