Taxon Report

Monardella viminea Greene

willowy monardella

Print Report

© 2015 Keir Morse

Taxon Summary

Monardella viminea, commonly known as willowy monardella, is a perennial herb in the Lamiaceae that is found only in California. It occurs within Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Riparian forest, Riparian scrub, and Riparian woodland, growing at elevations from 50 to 225 meters. Monardella viminea is ranked 1B.1, Plants Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California and Elsewhere; Seriously threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Monardella viminea Greene
Common Name:
willowy monardella
Family: Lamiaceae
Element Code: PDLAM18140
USDA Plants Symbol:
Synonyms/Other Names:
  • Monardella linoides Gray ssp. vimnea (Greene)Abrams

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: perennial herb
Blooming Period: Jun-Aug Jun-Aug
Elevation: 50-225 (165-740)
General Habitats: Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Riparian forest, Riparian scrub, Riparian woodland
Microhabitat: Alluvial Terraces, Washes
Microhabitat Details: alluvial ephemeral washes

Conservation Status

CA Rare Plant Rank: 1B.1
Global Rank: G1
State Rank:
State List: CE
Fed List: FE
Other Status: SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES
CRPR Changes:
  • added to 1B on 2004-06-09

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 30
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 1
   Good (B) 5
   Fair (C) 4
   Poor (D) 3
   None (X) 7
   Unknown (U) 10
California Endemic:  True
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
San Diego (SDG)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Del Mar (3211782), La Jolla (3211772), La Mesa (3211771), National City (3211761), Point Loma (3211762)*, Poway (3211781), San Vicente Reservoir (3211688)

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 15
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
18 60 %
Erosion/runoff 9 30%
Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime 8 26%
Development 8 26%
Non-native plant impacts 7 23%
Road/trail construction/maint. 6 20%
Vandalism/dumping/litter 6 20%
Other 5 16%
ORV activity 4 13%
Foot traffic/trampling 4 13%
Recreational use (non-ORV) 3 10%
Wood cutting or brush clearing 3 10%
Mining 3 10%
Improper burning regime 2 6%
Grazing 1 3%
Channelization 1 3%


See Pittonia 5:85 (1902) for original description and Novon 13:425-432 (2003) for revised nomenclature.
Historical occurrences in Switzer and Beeler canyons extirpated by urbanization. Seriously threatened by urbanization, hydrological alterations, road improvements, vehicles, and non-native plants. Possibly threatened by erosion and alteration of fire regimes. 
A synonym of M. linoides ssp. viminea in The Jepson Manual. Can be confused with M. stoneana.

Selected References

CRPR List Addition on 2004-06-09
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 3 March 2025].