Taxon Report

Leptosiphon rosaceus (Greene) R. Battaglia

rose leptosiphon

Print Report

© 2013 Aaron Schusteff

Taxon Summary

Leptosiphon rosaceus, commonly known as rose leptosiphon, is a annual herb in the Polemoniaceae that is found only in California. It occurs within Coastal bluff scrub, growing at elevations from 0 to 100 meters. Leptosiphon rosaceus is ranked 1B.1, Plants Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California and Elsewhere; Seriously threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Leptosiphon rosaceus (Greene) R. Battaglia
Common Name:
rose leptosiphon
Family: Polemoniaceae
Element Code: PDPLM09180
USDA Plants Symbol: LERO7
Synonyms/Other Names:
  • Linanthus rosaceus Greene

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 31
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 0
   Good (B) 11
   Fair (C) 7
   Poor (D) 2
   None (X) 6
   Unknown (U) 5
California Endemic:  True
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Marin (MRN), San Francisco (SFO)*, San Mateo (SMT), Sonoma (SON)*
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Drakes Bay (3812218), Half Moon Bay (3712244), Hunters Point (3712263), Montara Mountain (3712254), Oakland West (3712273), Pigeon Point (3712224)*, Plantation (3812353)*, Point Bonita (3712275), San Francisco North (3712274)*, San Francisco South (3712264), San Gregorio (3712234)*, Tomales (3812228), Valley Ford (3812238)*

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 5
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
18 58 %
Grazing 12 38%
Non-native plant impacts 7 22%
Foot traffic/trampling 3 9%
Erosion/runoff 1 3%
Road/trail construction/maint. 1 3%


Possibly threatened by competition and non-native plants. Not in The Jepson Manual. See Curtis Bot. Mag. 96:tab. 5863 (1870) for original description, and MadroƱo 48(2):75 (2001) for revised nomenclature.
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 23 February 2025].