Ranunculus macounii BrittonMacoun's buttercupPrint Report |
Scientific Name: |
Ranunculus macounii Britton |
Common Name: |
Macoun's buttercup |
Family: | Ranunculaceae |
Element Code: | PDRAN0L1M0 |
USDA Plants Symbol: | RAMA2 |
Synonyms/Other Names: |
Lifeform: | perennial herb |
Blooming Period: Jun-Jul | Jun-Jul |
Elevation: | 1400-1800 (4595-5905) |
General Habitats: | Great Basin scrub, Meadows and seeps, Pinyon and juniper woodland |
Microhabitat: | Mesic |
Microhabitat Details: |
CA Rare Plant Rank: | 2B.2 |
Global Rank: | G5 |
State Rank: |
S2S3 |
State List: | None |
Fed List: | None |
Other Status: | IUCN_LC |
CRPR Changes: |
Total Occurrences: | 12 |
Element Occurrence Ranks: | |
Excellent (A) | 0 |
Good (B) | 1 |
Fair (C) | 0 |
Poor (D) | 0 |
None (X) | 0 |
Unknown (U) | 11 |
California Endemic: False | |
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code) | |
Lassen (LAS), Modoc (MOD), Plumas (PLU) | |
Quads: Name (Quad Code) | |
Big Swamp (4112121), Gallatin Peak (4012056), Gold Lake (3912066), Hager Basin (4112077), Johnsville (3912076), Letterbox Hill (4112018), Reconnaissance Peak (3912073), Shields Creek (4112043), South Mtn. (4112076) |
Threat List Total: | 1 | |
EOs with Threat Listed: | Total EOs | % of EOs |
1 | 8 % | |
Development | 1 | 8% |
Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences 12:3 (1892) |
Ranunculus macounii profile for potential Species of Conservation Concern evaluation (2018) |
USFS Potential Species of Conservation Concern Profile |