Plagiobothrys lithocaryus (Greene) Jtn.Mayacamas popcornflower |
Scientific Name: |
Plagiobothrys lithocaryus (Greene) Jtn. |
Common Name: |
Mayacamas popcornflower |
Family: | Boraginaceae |
Element Code: | PDBOR0V0P0 |
USDA Plants Symbol: | PLLI |
Synonyms/Other Names: |
Lifeform: | annual herb |
Blooming Period: Apr-May | Apr-May |
Elevation: | 300-450 (985-1475) |
General Habitats: | Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland |
Microhabitat: | Mesic |
Microhabitat Details: |
CA Rare Plant Rank: | 1A |
Global Rank: | GX |
State Rank: |
SX |
State List: | None |
Fed List: | None |
Other Status: | |
CRPR Changes: |
Total Occurrences: | 2 |
Element Occurrence Ranks: | |
Excellent (A) | 0 |
Good (B) | 0 |
Fair (C) | 0 |
Poor (D) | 0 |
None (X) | 0 |
Unknown (U) | 2 |
California Endemic: True | |
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code) | |
Lake (LAK)*, Mendocino (MEN)?* | |
Quads: Name (Quad Code) | |
Lakeport (3912218)*, Potter Valley (3912331)?*, Redwood Valley (3912332) |
Threat List Total: | 0 | |
EOs with Threat Listed: | Total EOs | % of EOs |
0 | % | |