Taxon Report

Hemizonia congesta DC. ssp. congesta

congested-headed hayfield tarplant

Print Report

© 2015 Vernon Smith

Taxon Summary

Hemizonia congesta ssp. congesta, commonly known as congested-headed hayfield tarplant, is a annual herb in the Asteraceae that is found only in California. It occurs within Valley and foothill grassland, growing at elevations from 20 to 560 meters. Hemizonia congesta ssp. congesta is ranked 1B.2, Plants Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California and Elsewhere; Moderately threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Hemizonia congesta DC. ssp. congesta
Common Name:
congested-headed hayfield tarplant
Family: Asteraceae
Element Code: PDAST4R0W1
USDA Plants Symbol: HECOC2
Synonyms/Other Names:
  • Hemizonia congesta DC.
  • Hemizonia congesta DC. ssp. leucocephala (B.D. Tanowitz) D.J. Keil

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: annual herb
Blooming Period: Apr-Nov Apr-Nov
Elevation: 20-560 (65-1835)
General Habitats: Valley and foothill grassland
Microhabitat: Roadsides (sometimes)
Microhabitat Details:

Conservation Status

CA Rare Plant Rank: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T2
State Rank:
State List: None
Fed List: None
Other Status: SB_UCBG
CRPR Changes:
  • changed from 3 to 1B.2 on 2008-09-30

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 52
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 1
   Good (B) 5
   Fair (C) 3
   Poor (D) 1
   None (X) 4
   Unknown (U) 38
California Endemic:  True
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Lake (LAK), Marin (MRN), Mendocino (MEN), San Francisco (SFO), San Mateo (SMT), Sonoma (SON)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Arched Rock (3812342), Bodega Head (3812331), Bolinas (3712286), Camp Meeker (3812248), Cloverdale (3812371), Cotati (3812236), Glen Ellen (3812235), Healdsburg (3812257), Hunters Point (3712263), Inverness (3812217), Mark West Springs (3812256), Middletown (3812275), Novato (3812215), Noyo Hill (3912346), Oakland West (3712273), Petaluma (3812226), Petaluma River (3812225), Point Bonita (3712275), Point Reyes NE (3812227), San Francisco North (3712274), San Francisco South (3712264), San Geronimo (3812216), San Rafael (3712285), Santa Rosa (3812246), Sebastopol (3812247), Sonoma (3812234), Tomales (3812228), Two Rock (3812237), Valley Ford (3812238), Warm Springs Dam (3812361)

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 8
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
19 37 %
Development 13 25%
Grazing 4 7%
Non-native plant impacts 3 5%
Foot traffic/trampling 2 3%
Agriculture 1 1%
Disking 1 1%
Other 1 1%
Road/trail construction/maint. 1 1%


Threatened by agriculture, development, and road construction. Possibly threatened by grazing. Hybridizes with H. congesta ssp. lutescens. See H. congesta ssp. leucocephala in The Jepson Manual (1993). What was once considered H. congesta ssp. congesta in The Jepson Manual (1993) is now considered H. congesta ssp. lutescens; a common taxon.
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 3 March 2025].