Deinandra floribunda Davids. & MoxleyTecate tarplantPrint Report |
Scientific Name: |
Deinandra floribunda Davids. & Moxley |
Common Name: |
Tecate tarplant |
Family: | Asteraceae |
Element Code: | PDAST4R0B0 |
USDA Plants Symbol: | |
Synonyms/Other Names: |
Lifeform: | annual herb |
Blooming Period: Aug-Oct | Aug-Oct |
Elevation: | 70-1220 (230-4005) |
General Habitats: | Chaparral, Coastal scrub |
Microhabitat: | |
Microhabitat Details: |
CA Rare Plant Rank: | 1B.2 |
Global Rank: | G2 |
State Rank: |
S2 |
State List: | None |
Fed List: | None |
CRPR Changes: |
Total Occurrences: | 59 |
Element Occurrence Ranks: | |
Excellent (A) | 1 |
Good (B) | 3 |
Fair (C) | 0 |
Poor (D) | 0 |
None (X) | 0 |
Unknown (U) | 55 |
California Endemic: False | |
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code) | |
San Diego (SDG) | |
Quads: Name (Quad Code) | |
Barrett Lake (3211666), Dulzura (3211667), Jacumba (3211662), Live Oak Springs (3211663), Morena Reservoir (3211665), Otay Mesa (3211658), Otay Mountain (3211657), Potrero (3211655), Santa Ysabel (3311616), Sombrero Peak (3211673), Tecate (3211656), Tierra Del Sol (3211653) |
Threat List Total: | 3 | |
EOs with Threat Listed: | Total EOs | % of EOs |
11 | 19 % | |
Development | 8 | 13% |
Road/trail construction/maint. | 2 | 3% |
Grazing | 1 | 1% |