Taxon Report

Collinsia corymbosa Herder

round-headed collinsia

Print Report

©2007 Steve Matson


Scientific Name:
Collinsia corymbosa Herder
Common Name:
round-headed collinsia
Family: Plantaginaceae
Element Code: PDSCR0H060
USDA Plants Symbol: COCO2
Synonyms/Other Names:

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 13
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 0
   Good (B) 1
   Fair (C) 0
   Poor (D) 0
   None (X) 2
   Unknown (U) 10
California Endemic:  True
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Humboldt (HUM), Marin (MRN)?, Mendocino (MEN), San Francisco (SFO)*, San Mateo (SMT), Santa Clara (SCL)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Bolinas (3712286), Eureka (4012472), Fort Bragg (3912347), Inglenook (3912357), Palo Alto (3712242), San Francisco North (3712274)*, San Francisco South (3712264)

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 4
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
5 38 %
Development 4 30%
Foot traffic/trampling 1 7%
Non-native plant impacts 1 7%
ORV activity 1 7%


Scattered distribution. Need quads for HUM Co. and for "Russian colony" (SON Co.). May intergrade with C. bartsiifolia var. bartsiifolia. Possibly threatened by foot traffic.
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 8 January 2025].