Taxon Report

Androsace elongata L. ssp. acuta (Greene) Robbins

California androsace

Print Report

© 2008 Aaron Schusteff

Taxon Summary

Androsace elongata ssp. acuta, commonly known as California androsace, is a annual herb in the Primulaceae that is found in California and elsewhere. It occurs within Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Meadows and seeps, Pinyon and juniper woodland, and Valley and foothill grassland, growing at elevations from 150 to 1305 meters. Androsace elongata ssp. acuta is ranked 4.2, Plants of Limited Distribution, A Watch List; Moderately threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Androsace elongata L. ssp. acuta (Greene) Robbins
Common Name:
California androsace
Family: Primulaceae
Element Code: PDPRI02031
USDA Plants Symbol: ANELA
Synonyms/Other Names:

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: annual herb
Blooming Period: Mar-Jun Mar-Jun
Elevation: 150-1305 (490-4280)
General Habitats: Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Meadows and seeps, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Valley and foothill grassland
Microhabitat Details:

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 0
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 0
   Good (B) 0
   Fair (C) 0
   Poor (D) 0
   None (X) 0
   Unknown (U) 0
California Endemic:  False
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Alameda (ALA), Colusa (COL), Contra Costa (CCA), Fresno (FRE), Glenn (GLE), Kern (KRN), Los Angeles (LAX), Merced (MER), Monterey (MNT), Riverside (RIV), San Benito (SBT), San Bernardino (SBD), San Diego (SDG), San Joaquin (SJQ), San Luis Obispo (SLO), San Mateo (SMT), Santa Clara (SCL), Siskiyou (SIS), Stanislaus (STA), Tehama (TEH)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Altamont (3712166), Bena (3511836), Big Bear City (3411637), Breckenridge Mtn. (3511845), Briones Valley (3712282), Burnt Peak (3411865), Byron Hot Springs (3712176), Caliente Mtn. (3511917), Cedar Mtn. (3712155), Cerro Colorado (3612068), Chimineas Ranch (3511928), Cholame Valley (3512073), Chrome (3912265), Clayton (3712188), Cummings Mtn. (3511815), Cuyamaca Peak (3211685), Descanso (3211675), Diablo (3712178), Elkhorn Hills (3511915), Etna (4112248), Eylar Mtn. (3712145), Fairview Valley (3411751), Fifteenmile Valley (3411741), Gilmore Peak (3912235), Glennville (3511866), Greenview (4112258), Hernandez Reservoir (3612047), Hot Springs Mtn. (3311635), Idyllwild (3311666), Isabel Valley (3712135), Julian (3311615), Keller Peak (3411721), La Costa Valley (3712157), La Liebre Ranch (3411876), Lake Arrowhead (3411732), Lake Isabella South (3511854), Las Yeguas Ranch (3511948), Lebec (3411877), Lick Observatory (3712136), Liebre Mtn. (3411866), Lillis Ranch (3612044), Llanada (3612058), Logan Ridge (3912243), Lowrey (4012215), Midway (3712165), Miracle Hot Springs (3511855), Morgan Hill (3712126), Mountain View (3712241), Mt. Boardman (3712144), Newville (3912275), Ortigalita Peak (3612078), Ortigalita Peak NW (3612088), Pacifico Mountain (3411841), Palo Alto (3712242), Panoche Pass (3612161), Panorama Hills (3511926), Pastoria Creek (3411887), Rail Canyon (3912244), Ranchita (3311625), Ritter Ridge (3411852), San Dimas (3411717), San Jose East (3712137), Santa Teresa Hills (3712127), Silverwood Lake (3411733), Smith Mountain (3612015), Tehachapi North (3511824), Tehachapi South (3511814), Tejon Ranch (3511816), Tent Hills (3512072), Tubb Canyon (3311624), Warner Springs (3311636), White Horse Mtn. (3411658), Woolstalf Creek (3511853), Yreka (4112266)


Highly localized and often overlooked; many occurrences extirpated. Very rare in Southern CA. Possibly threatened by grazing, trampling, non-native plants, alteration of fire regimes, and recreational activities. Potentially threatened by wind energy development. Endangered in OR. See Manual of the Botany of the Region of San Francisco Bay, p. 238 (1894) by E. Greene for original description, and American Midland Naturalist 32:132-163 (1944) for taxonomic treatment.
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 3 March 2025].