Taxon Report

Meesia triquetra (Richt.) Angstr.

three-ranked hump moss

Print Report

Steve Matson 2008

Taxon Summary

Meesia triquetra, commonly known as three-ranked hump moss, is a moss in the Meesiaceae that is found in California and elsewhere. It occurs within Bogs and fens, Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest, and Upper montane coniferous forest (mesic), growing at elevations from 1300 to 2953 meters. Meesia triquetra is ranked 4.2, Plants of Limited Distribution, A Watch List; Moderately threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Meesia triquetra (Richt.) Angstr.
Common Name:
three-ranked hump moss
Family: Meesiaceae
Element Code: NBMUS4L020
USDA Plants Symbol: METR70
Synonyms/Other Names:

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: moss
Blooming Period: Jul Jul
Elevation: 1300-2953 (4265-9690)
General Habitats: Bogs and fens, Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest
Microhabitat Details: soil

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 19
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 6
   Good (B) 3
   Fair (C) 1
   Poor (D) 1
   None (X) 0
   Unknown (U) 8
California Endemic:  False
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Alpine (ALP), Butte (BUT), El Dorado (ELD), Fresno (FRE), Humboldt (HUM), Lassen (LAS), Madera (MAD), Mariposa (MPA), Modoc (MOD), Nevada (NEV), Placer (PLA), Plumas (PLU), Riverside (RIV), Shasta (SHA), Sierra (SIE), Siskiyou (SIS), Tehama (TEH), Tulare (TUL)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Mt. Rose (3911938), Balloon Dome (3711942), Belden (4012113), Bogard Buttes (4012152), Bridgeville (4012347), Bucks Lake (3912182), Caples Lake (3812061), Cascadel Point (3711924), Childs Meadows (4012134), City of Mount Shasta (4112233), Clio (3912065), Denverton (3812128), Dinkey Creek (3711912), Dogtooth Peak (3711921), Dogwood Peak (3912171), Echo Lake (3812071), Emerald Bay (3812081), English Mtn. (3912045), Freel Peak (3811978), Gold Lake (3912066), Graniteville (3912046), Grays Peak (4012146), Half Dome (3711965), Hobart Mills (3912042), Humboldt Peak (4012124), Humbug Valley (4012123), Independence Lake (3912043), Jess Valley (4112023), Jonesville (4012114), Kyburz (3812073), Larabee Valley (4012346), Lassen Peak (4012145), Little Shuteye Peak (3711944), Lodgepole (3611856), Meadow Valley (3912181), Medicine Lake (4112155), Meeks Bay (3912011), Mt. Givens (3711931), Mt. Harkness (4012143), Mt. Silliman (3611866), Musick Mtn. (3711923), Nelson Mtn. (3711911), Onion Butte (4012125), Panther Rock (4112272), Patterson Mtn. (3611981), Pondosa (4112126), Red Cinder (4012142), Rough Spur (3611888), Royal Gorge (3912024), San Jacinto Peak (3311676), Secret Spring Mtn. (4112282), Shuteye Peak (3711934), Sing Peak (3711954), Skunk Ridge (4112117), Sonora Pass (3811936), South Lake Tahoe (3811988), Sugar Hill (4112073), Tennant (4112158), White Chief Mtn. (3711945)

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 5
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
8 42 %
Grazing 7 36%
Logging 1 5%
ORV activity 1 5%
Other 1 5%
Foot traffic/trampling 1 5%


Need quads for LAS Co. Infrequently encountered in CA. Possibly threatened by intensive grazing, trampling, logging, alteration of fire regimes, foot traffic, vehicles, and hydrological alterations.

Selected References

CRPR List Change on 2006-12-27
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 15 March 2025].