Taxon Report

Orthotrichum kellmanii Norris, Shevock, & Goffinet

Kellman's bristle moss

Print Report


Scientific Name:
Orthotrichum kellmanii Norris, Shevock, & Goffinet
Common Name:
Kellman's bristle moss
Family: Orthotrichaceae
Element Code: NBMUS56190
USDA Plants Symbol:
Synonyms/Other Names:

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: moss
Blooming Period: Jan-Feb Jan-Feb
Elevation: 343-685 (1125-2245)
General Habitats: Chaparral, Cismontane woodland
Microhabitat: Carbonate, Sandstone
Microhabitat Details:

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 4
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 0
   Good (B) 0
   Fair (C) 0
   Poor (D) 0
   None (X) 0
   Unknown (U) 4
California Endemic:  True
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Monterey (MNT), San Mateo (SMT), Santa Cruz (SCR)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Big Basin (3712222), Tassajara Hot Springs (3612125)


Known from less than 5 occurrences. See The Bryologist 107(2): 210 (2004) for original description.

Selected References

CRPR List Addition on 2007-08-16
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2024. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 27 December 2024].