Astragalus sabulonum A. Graygravel milk-vetch |
Scientific Name: |
Astragalus sabulonum A. Gray |
Common Name: |
gravel milk-vetch |
Family: | Fabaceae |
Element Code: | PDFAB0F7R0 |
USDA Plants Symbol: | ASSA2 |
Synonyms/Other Names: |
Lifeform: | annual/perennial herb |
Blooming Period: Feb-Jun | Feb-Jun |
Elevation: | -60-930 (-195-3050) |
General Habitats: | Desert dunes, Mojavean desert scrub, Sonoran desert scrub |
Microhabitat: | Flats, Gravelly (sometimes), Roadsides, Sandy (usually), Washes |
Microhabitat Details: |
CA Rare Plant Rank: | 2B.2 |
Global Rank: | G4G5 |
State Rank: |
S2 |
State List: | None |
Fed List: | None |
Other Status: | |
CRPR Changes: |
Total Occurrences: | 19 |
Element Occurrence Ranks: | |
Excellent (A) | 2 |
Good (B) | 1 |
Fair (C) | 3 |
Poor (D) | 0 |
None (X) | 1 |
Unknown (U) | 12 |
California Endemic: False | |
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code) | |
Imperial (IMP), Inyo (INY), Riverside (RIV), San Diego (SDG) | |
Quads: Name (Quad Code) | |
Borrego Palm Canyon (3311634), Borrego Sink (3311623), Calexico (3211564), Calvada Springs (3511588), Clark Lake (3311633), Harpers Well (3311518), Heber (3211565), Hopkins Well (3311458), Indio (3311662), Kane Spring (3311517), Kane Spring NE (3311527), Last Chance Range SW (3711716), Mecca (3311651)*, Mortmar (3311558), Mound Spring (3611518), Mount Signal (3211566), Niland (3311525), Roosevelt Mine (3311457), Stump Spring, Nev. (3511587), The Dunes (3611744), Tubb Canyon (3311624), Wister (3311535), Yuha Basin (3211567) |
Threat List Total: | 5 | |
EOs with Threat Listed: | Total EOs | % of EOs |
8 | 42 % | |
Development | 5 | 26% |
Non-native plant impacts | 5 | 26% |
ORV activity | 2 | 10% |
Recreational use (non-ORV) | 1 | 5% |
Agriculture | 1 | 5% |
Proposed New Add to CRPR 2.2, G5 / S2 |