Taxon Report

Scytinium siskiyouense (D.F. Stone & Ruchty) Otálora, P.M. Jørg. & Wedin

Siskiyou jellyskin lichen

Print Report

Taxon Summary

Scytinium siskiyouense, commonly known as Siskiyou jellyskin lichen, is a foliose lichen in the Collemataceae that is . It occurs within Lower montane coniferous forest, and North Coast coniferous forest, growing at elevations from 635 to 1460 meters. Scytinium siskiyouense is ranked 1B.1, Plants Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California and Elsewhere; Seriously threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Scytinium siskiyouense (D.F. Stone & Ruchty) Otálora, P.M. Jørg. & Wedin
Common Name:
Siskiyou jellyskin lichen
Family: Collemataceae
Element Code: NLTES34580
USDA Plants Symbol:
Synonyms/Other Names:

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: foliose lichen
Blooming Period:
Elevation: 635-1460 (2085-4790)
General Habitats: Lower montane coniferous forest, North Coast coniferous forest
Microhabitat Details: Epiphytic, usually on the bark of Fagaceae, such as Quercus or Chrysolepis

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 18
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 0
   Good (B) 0
   Fair (C) 0
   Poor (D) 0
   None (X) 4
   Unknown (U) 14
California Endemic:  False
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Butte (BUT), Humboldt (HUM), Monterey (MNT), Plumas (PLU), Shasta (SHA), Tehama (TEH), Trinity (TRI), Tuolumne (TUO)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Ackerson Mtn. (3711977), Chews Ridge (3612135), Clipper Mills (3912152), Cohasset (3912186), Devils Rock (4012271), Dinsmore (4012345), Four Corners Rock (4012312), Halfway Ridge (4012353), Onion Butte (4012125), Ruth Reservoir (4012334), Shannon Butte (4012323), Sportshaven (4012344), Storrie (3912183), Swim Ridge (4012322)

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 1
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
1 6 %
Improper burning regime 1 5%


Alteration of fire regimes, frequent wildfires, logging, habitat disturbance, succession.

Selected References

Proposed Addition to California Rare Plant Rank 1B.1, G2G3 / S1 
North American Fungi 3: 1–7
Fungal Diversity 64: 275–293 
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 3 March 2025].