Taxon Report

Cymopterus deserticola Bdg.

desert cymopterus

Print Report

Taxon Summary

Cymopterus deserticola, commonly known as desert cymopterus, is a perennial herb in the Apiaceae that is found only in California. It occurs within Joshua tree "woodland", and Mojavean desert scrub, growing at elevations from 630 to 1500 meters. Cymopterus deserticola is ranked 1B.2, Plants Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California and Elsewhere; Moderately threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Cymopterus deserticola Bdg.
Common Name:
desert cymopterus
Family: Apiaceae
Element Code: PDAPI0U090
USDA Plants Symbol: CYDE
Synonyms/Other Names:

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: perennial herb
Blooming Period: Mar-May Mar-May
Elevation: 630-1500 (2065-4920)
General Habitats: Joshua tree "woodland", Mojavean desert scrub
Microhabitat: Sandy
Microhabitat Details:

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 84
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 6
   Good (B) 22
   Fair (C) 27
   Poor (D) 25
   None (X) 1
   Unknown (U) 3
California Endemic:  True
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Kern (KRN), Los Angeles (LAX), San Bernardino (SBD)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Apple Valley North (3411752)*, Black Hills (3511743), California City South (3511718), Cuddeback Lake (3511734), Dove Spring (3511841), Edwards (3411788), Goldstone (3511638), Jackrabbit Hill (3411776), Kramer Hills (3411784), Kramer Junction (3411785), Leuhman Ridge (3411786), Lockhart (3511713), North Edwards (3511717), Red Buttes (3411775), Redman (3411778), Rogers Lake North (3411787), Rogers Lake South (3411777), Twelve Gauge Lake (3411783), Water Valley (3511712)

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 9
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
70 83 %
Military operations 54 64%
ORV activity 11 13%
Grazing 10 11%
Vandalism/dumping/litter 8 9%
Road/trail construction/maint. 7 8%
Non-native plant impacts 3 3%
Development 2 2%
Foot traffic/trampling 1 1%
Other 1 1%


Threatened by military activities, sheep grazing, vehicles, utility construction, and urbanization. See University of California Publications in Botany 6:168 (1915) for original description.
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 24 February 2025].