Taxon Report

Hibiscus lasiocarpos Cav. var. occidentalis (Torr.) A. Gray

woolly rose-mallow

Print Report

© 2020 Steven Perry

Taxon Summary

Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis, commonly known as woolly rose-mallow, is a perennial rhizomatous herb (emergent) in the Malvaceae that is found only in California. It occurs within Marshes and swamps, growing at elevations from 0 to 120 meters. Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis is ranked 1B.2, Plants Rare, Threatened or Endangered in California and Elsewhere; Moderately threatened in California.


Scientific Name:
Hibiscus lasiocarpos Cav. var. occidentalis (Torr.) A. Gray
Common Name:
woolly rose-mallow
Family: Malvaceae
Element Code: PDMAL0H0R3
USDA Plants Symbol:
Synonyms/Other Names:
  • Hibiscus californicus Kell.
  • Hibiscus lasiocarpus
  • Hibiscus lasiocarpos

Ecology and Life History

Lifeform: perennial rhizomatous herb (emergent)
Blooming Period: Jun-Sep Jun-Sep
Elevation: 0-120 (0-395)
General Habitats: Marshes and swamps
Microhabitat Details: Often in riprap on sides of levees.

Conservation Status

CA Rare Plant Rank: 1B.2
Global Rank: G5T3
State Rank:
State List: None
Fed List: None
Other Status: BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG
CRPR Changes:
  • changed from 2.2 to 1B.2 on 2010-01-04

Occurrence Data from the CNDDB

Total Occurrences: 173
Element Occurrence Ranks:
   Excellent (A) 0
   Good (B) 78
   Fair (C) 38
   Poor (D) 16
   None (X) 1
   Unknown (U) 40
California Endemic:  True
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Butte (BUT), Colusa (COL), Contra Costa (CCA), Glenn (GLE), Sacramento (SAC), San Joaquin (SJQ), Solano (SOL), Sutter (SUT), Yolo (YOL)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Bouldin Island (3812115), Bruceville (3812134), Butte City (3912148), Clarksburg (3812145), Clifton Court Forebay (3712175), Courtland (3812135), Dozier (3812137), Florin (3812144), Gilsizer Slough (3912116), Grays Bend (3812166), Hamlin Canyon (3912166), Holt (3712184), Isleton (3812125), Jersey Island (3812116), Knights Landing (3812176), Liberty Island (3812136), Llano Seco (3912158), Logandale (3912242), Meridian (3912128), Nelson (3912157), Ord Ferry (3912168), Oroville (3912155), Paradise West (3912176), Pennington (3912137), Richardson Springs (3912177), Rio Vista (3812126), Sacramento West (3812155), Sanborn Slough (3912138), Shippee (3912156), Stockton West (3712183), Sutter Buttes (3912127), Sutter Causeway (3812186), Terminous (3812114), Thornton (3812124), Tisdale Weir (3912117), Verona (3812175), West of Biggs (3912147), Woodward Island (3712185)

Threat List Data from the CNDDB

Threat List Total: 19
EOs with Threat Listed: Total EOs % of EOs
91 53 %
Waterway bank protection/maintenance 36 20%
Recreational use (non-ORV) 31 17%
Other 25 14%
Agriculture 19 10%
Erosion/runoff 19 10%
Development 17 9%
Biocides 16 9%
Improper burning regime 14 8%
Non-native plant impacts 10 5%
Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime 10 5%
Grazing 6 3%
Road/trail construction/maint. 6 3%
Mining 3 1%
ORV activity 1 0%
Surface water diversion 1 0%
Wood cutting or brush clearing 1 0%
Foot traffic/trampling 1 0%
Dam/Inundation 1 0%
Degraded water quality 1 0%


Most occurrences are very small. Seriously threatened by habitat disturbance, development, agriculture, recreational activites, and channelization of the Sacramento River and its tributaries. Also threatened by weed control measures and erosion. Possibly threatened by trail maintenance. See MadroƱo 56(2):104-111 for revised taxonomy.
Citation California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2025. Rare Plant Inventory (online edition, v9.5.1). Website [accessed 25 February 2025].