Search Results

1762 matches found. Click on scientific name for details

Search Criteria: , CRPR is one of [1B:2B]

Scientific Name Common Name Family Lifeform Blooming Period Fed List State List Global Rank State Rank CA Rare Plant Rank Other Status Threats General Habitats Microhabitats Lowest Elevation (m) Highest Elevation (m) Lowest Elevation (ft) Highest Elevation (ft) CA Endemic Date Added Photo
Ambrosia pumila San Diego ambrosia Asteraceae perennial rhizomatous herb Apr-Oct FE None G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CRES Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal pools Alkaline (sometimes), Clay (sometimes), Disturbed areas (often), Loam (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 20 415 65 1360 1974-01-01 Photo of Ambrosia pumila
© 2010 Benjamin Smith
Spermolepis gigantea desert scaleseed Apiaceae annual herb Mar-Apr None None G1 SH 2B.1 Sonoran desert scrub 400 400 1310 1310 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Amsinckia grandiflora large-flowered fiddleneck Boraginaceae annual herb (Mar)Apr-May FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCBG Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland 270 550 885 1805 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Amsinckia grandiflora
© 2015 Zoya Akulova
Amsinckia lunaris bent-flowered fiddleneck Boraginaceae annual herb Mar-Jun None None G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCBG; SB_UCSC Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Coastal bluff scrub, Valley and foothill grassland 3 500 10 1640 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Amsinckia lunaris
© 2011 Neal Kramer
Androsace filiformis slender-stemmed androsace Primulaceae annual herb Jun-Oct None None G4 S1 2B.3 Grazing, Recreational use (non-ORV) Meadows and seeps, Upper montane coniferous forest 1800 1830 5905 6005 1988-01-01 Photo of Androsace filiformis
©2019 Belinda Lo
Androstephium breviflorum small-flowered androstephium Themidaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar-Apr None None G5 S2? 2B.2 Development, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Desert dunes, Mojavean desert scrub (bajadas) 220 800 720 2625 1974-01-01 Photo of Androstephium breviflorum
© 2005 James M. Andre
Saltugilia latimeri Latimer's woodland-gilia Polemoniaceae annual herb Mar-Jun None None G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Mojavean desert scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Granitic (often), Rocky (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes), Washes (sometimes) 400 1900 1310 6235 Yes 2004-01-01
No Photo Available
Sisyrinchium hitchcockii Hitchcock's blue-eyed grass Iridaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun None None G1G2 S1 1B.1 Cismontane woodland (openings), Valley and foothill grassland 305 305 1000 1000 2004-01-01 Photo of Sisyrinchium hitchcockii
©2009 Dana York
Prunus eremophila Mojave Desert plum Rosaceae perennial deciduous shrub Mar-Apr None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Mojavean desert scrub Granitic (sometimes), Washes (usually) 975 1175 3200 3855 Yes 2004-01-01
No Photo Available
Monardella stoneana Jennifer's monardella Lamiaceae perennial herb Jun-Sep None None G1G2 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CRES Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub, Riparian scrub Rocky (usually), Streambanks (often) 10 790 35 2590 2004-01-01 Photo of Monardella stoneana
© 2010 Anna Bennett
Eriogonum spectabile Barron's buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jul-Sep None None G1 S1 1B.1 USFS_S Insufficient population/stand size, Logging Upper montane coniferous forest Rocky (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 2010 2050 6595 6725 Yes 2004-01-01
No Photo Available
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. monarchense Monarch buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None None G5T1 S1 1B.1 USFS_S Insufficient population/stand size, Non-native plant impacts Mojavean desert scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Carbonate, Rocky (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 1800 1815 5905 5955 Yes 2004-01-01
No Photo Available
Taraxacum ceratophorum horned dandelion Asteraceae annual herb Jun-Jul(Aug) None None G5 S1 2B.1 Alpine boulder and rock field, Meadows and seeps, Valley and foothill grassland (mesic) Carbonate (sometimes) 2895 3610 9500 11845 2004-01-01
No Photo Available
Centromadia parryi ssp. parryi pappose tarplant Asteraceae annual herb May-Nov None None G3T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S Agriculture, Development, Disking, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Landfill, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Coastal prairie, Marshes and swamps (coastal salt), Meadows and seeps, Valley and foothill grassland (vernally mesic) Alkaline (often) 0 420 0 1380 Yes 2004-01-01 Photo of Centromadia parryi ssp. parryi
© 2016 John Doyen
Eleocharis torticulmis California twisted spikerush Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Jul None None G1 S1 1B.3 USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling Bogs and fens, Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps 1005 1175 3295 3855 Yes 2004-01-01
No Photo Available
Fritillaria gentneri Gentner's fritillary Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-May FE None G2 S1 1B.1 Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest Serpentine (sometimes) 1005 2970 3295 9745 2004-01-01 Photo of Fritillaria gentneri
© 2013 Scot Loring
Arctostaphylos catalinae Santa Catalina Island manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub (Feb)Mar-Apr(May) None None G2? S2? 1B.2 IUCN_VU; SB_CalBG/RSABG Grazing, Non-native animal impacts Chaparral (volcanic) 75 600 245 1970 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos catalinae
© 2020 Zoya Akulova
Arctostaphylos confertiflora Santa Rosa Island manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr FE None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG; SB_USDA Erosion/runoff Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest Rocky, Sandstone 40 500 130 1640 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos confertiflora
© 2006 Steve Matson
Arctostaphylos cruzensis Arroyo de la Cruz manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Dec-Mar None None G1G2 S1S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Other, Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Sandy 60 310 195 1015 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos cruzensis
© 2006 Steve Matson
Arctostaphylos densiflora Vine Hill manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr None CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG Agriculture, Disease, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (acid marine sand) 50 120 165 395 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos densiflora
© 2006 Steve Matson
Arctostaphylos edmundsii Little Sur manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub (May)Nov-Apr None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_UCSC; USFS_S Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Coastal bluff scrub Sandy 10 105 35 345 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos edmundsii
© 2006 Steve Matson
Arctostaphylos glutinosa Schreiber's manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Mar-Apr(Nov) None None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCSC; SB_USDA Development, Logging, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest 170 685 560 2245 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos glutinosa
© 2011 Neal Kramer
Arctostaphylos morroensis Morro manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Dec-Mar FT None G1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCSC Development, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (maritime), Cismontane woodland, Coastal dunes (pre-Flandrian), Coastal scrub 5 205 15 675 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos morroensis
© 2012 Jean Pawek
Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Ione manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Nov-Mar FT None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_UCBG Agriculture, Development, Disease, Grazing, Mining, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Acidic, Clay (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 60 580 195 1905 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos myrtifolia
© 2006 Steve Matson
Arctostaphylos nissenana Nissenan manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Mar None None G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; USFS_S Agriculture, Biocides, Development, Disease, Improper burning regime, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest Rocky 450 1100 1475 3610 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos otayensis Otay manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Apr None None G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland 275 1700 900 5580 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos pajaroensis Pajaro manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Dec-Mar None None G1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Agriculture, Development, Disease, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (sandy) 30 760 100 2495 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos pallida pallid manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Dec-Mar FT CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Biocides, Development, Disease, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 185 465 605 1525 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos pechoensis Pecho manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Nov-Mar None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub 125 850 410 2790 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos pilosula Santa Margarita manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Dec-May None None G2? S2? 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Agriculture, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Hybridization, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest Sandstone (sometimes) 75 1100 245 3610 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos pumila sandmat manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-May None None G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Biocides, Development, Disease, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (maritime), Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub Openings, Sandy 3 205 10 675 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos manzanita ssp. laevigata Contra Costa manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Mar(Apr) None None G5T2 S2 1B.2 SB_UCSC Biocides, Improper burning regime, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (rocky) 430 1100 1410 3610 Yes 1984-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos manzanita ssp. laevigata
© 2019 Susan McDougall
Arctostaphylos purissima La Purisima manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Nov-May None None G2 S2 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Landfill, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (sandy), Coastal scrub 60 390 195 1280 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos refugioensis Refugio manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub (May)Dec-Mar None None G3 S3 1B.2 SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (sandstone) 274 820 900 2690 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos rudis sand mesa manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Nov-Feb None None G2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Agriculture, Development, Disking, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (maritime), Coastal scrub Sandy 25 322 80 1055 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos silvicola Bonny Doon manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Mar None None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Improper burning regime, Logging, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Lower montane coniferous forest 120 600 395 1970 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana ssp. raichei Raiche's manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr None None G3T2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Mining, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest (openings) Rocky, Serpentine (often) 450 1035 1475 3395 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus longebarbatus var. longebarbatus long-haired star-tulip Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Jun-Aug(Sep) None None G4T3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; USFS_S Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion Great Basin scrub, Lower montane coniferous forest (openings, drainages), Meadows and seeps, Vernal pools Clay, Mesic 1005 1900 3295 6235 1974-01-01 Photo of Calochortus longebarbatus var. longebarbatus
©2020 John Doyen
Calochortus obispoensis San Luis mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine (often) 50 730 165 2395 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus palmeri var. munzii San Jacinto mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jul None None G3T3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps 855 2200 2805 7220 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus persistens Siskiyou mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Jun-Jul None CR G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Logging, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest, North Coast coniferous forest Acidic, Rocky 1000 1860 3280 6105 1974-01-01 Photo of Calochortus persistens
©2014 Scot Loring
Calochortus pulchellus Mt. Diablo fairy-lantern Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Insufficient population/stand size, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Riparian woodland, Valley and foothill grassland 30 840 100 2755 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus raichei Cedars fairy-lantern Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest Serpentine 200 490 655 1610 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus simulans La Panza mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_CRES; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Insufficient population/stand size, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest, Valley and foothill grassland Granitic (often), Sandy, Serpentine (sometimes) 325 1150 1065 3775 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Calochortus simulans
© 2011 Aaron E. Sims
Calochortus striatus alkali mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jun None None G3 S2S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Agriculture, Dam/Inundation, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Groundwater pumping, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Chenopod scrub, Meadows and seeps, Mojavean desert scrub Alkaline, Mesic 70 1595 230 5235 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus tiburonensis Tiburon mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar-Jun FT CT G1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCBG Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts Valley and foothill grassland (serpentinite) 50 150 165 490 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus westonii Shirley Meadows star-tulip Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jun None None G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCSC; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps Granitic 1500 2105 4920 6905 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calycadenia hooveri Hoover's calycadenia Asteraceae annual herb Jul-Sep None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S Agriculture, Development, Grazing, Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Rocky 65 300 215 985 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Calyptridium parryi var. hesseae Santa Cruz Mountains pussypaws Montiaceae annual herb May-Aug None None G3G4T2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_UCBG Development, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Gravelly (sometimes), Openings, Sandy (sometimes) 305 1530 1000 5020 Yes 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Calyptridium pulchellum Mariposa pussypaws Montiaceae annual herb Apr-Aug FT None G1 S1 1B.1 Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Granitic, Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 400 1100 1310 3610 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Abies amabilis Pacific silver fir Pinaceae perennial evergreen tree None None G5 S2 2B.3 IUCN_LC Improper burning regime, Other Upper montane coniferous forest 1700 2195 5580 7200 1974-01-01 Photo of Abies amabilis
© 2021 Scot Loring
Abies bracteata bristlecone fir Pinaceae perennial evergreen tree None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.3 IUCN_NT; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Improper burning regime, Military operations, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Riparian woodland Rocky 183 1555 600 5100 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Abies bracteata
© 2019 Zoya Akulova
Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa subalpine fir Pinaceae perennial evergreen tree None None G5T5 S3 2B.3 Grazing Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest 945 2225 3100 7300 1974-01-01 Photo of Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa
©2021 Scot Loring
Abronia alpina Ramshaw Meadows abronia Nyctaginaceae perennial herb Jul-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.1 USFS_S Recreational use (non-ORV) Meadows and seeps (granitic, gravelly margins) Granitic, Gravelly, Sandy 2400 2700 7875 8860 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Abronia alpina
© 2004 James M. Andre
Abronia umbellata var. breviflora pink sand-verbena Nyctaginaceae annual herb Jun-Oct None None G4G5T2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal dunes 0 10 0 35 1988-01-01 Photo of Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
©2021 Scot Loring
Acanthomintha ilicifolia San Diego thorn-mint Lamiaceae annual herb Apr-Jun FT CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal pools Clay, Openings 10 960 35 3150 1974-01-01 Photo of Acanthomintha ilicifolia
© 2013 Keir Morse
Acanthomintha duttonii San Mateo thorn-mint Lamiaceae annual herb Apr-Jun FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCBG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine 50 300 165 985 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Acanthomintha duttonii
© 2011 Aaron Schusteff
Adolphia californica California adolphia Rhamnaceae perennial deciduous shrub Dec-May None None G3 S2 2B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Agriculture, Development, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Clay 10 740 35 2430 1974-01-01 Photo of Adolphia californica
© 2007 Andrew Borcher
Agave shawii var. shawii Shaw's agave Agavaceae perennial leaf Sep-May None None G2G3T2T3 S1 2B.1 IUCN_EN; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub 3 120 10 395 1974-01-01 Photo of Agave shawii var. shawii
©2017 Keir Morse
Agrostis blasdalei Blasdale's bent grass Poaceae perennial rhizomatous herb May-Jul None None G2G3 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Disease, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal dunes, Coastal prairie 0 150 0 490 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Agrostis blasdalei
© 2001 Doreen L. Smith
Agrostis hooveri Hoover's bent grass Poaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Valley and foothill grassland Sandy (usually) 6 610 20 2000 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Agrostis hooveri
2017 Adonis (Don) Tate
Agrostis humilis mountain bent grass Poaceae perennial herb Jul-Sep None None G4Q S2 2B.3 Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Alpine boulder and rock field, Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest Carbonate (sometimes) 2670 3200 8760 10500 1980-01-01 Photo of Agrostis humilis
© 2004 Steve Matson
Allium munzii Munz's onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar-May FE CT G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Development, Disking, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Clay, Mesic 297 1070 975 3510 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Allium munzii
© 2003 Guy Bruyea
Allium sharsmithiae Sharsmith's onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar-May None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S Feral pigs, Mining, Over-collecting/poaching, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Rocky, Serpentine 400 1200 1310 3935 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Allium sharsmithiae
© 2017 John Doyen
Allium hickmanii Hickman's onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar-May None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral (maritime), Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland 5 200 15 655 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Allium hickmanii
© 2017 Dylan Neubauer
Allium howellii var. clokeyi Mt. Pinos onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jun None None G3G4T2 S2 1B.3 SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Grazing, ORV activity, Wood cutting or brush clearing Great Basin scrub, Meadows and seeps (edges), Pinyon and juniper woodland 1300 1850 4265 6070 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Allium howellii var. clokeyi
© 2016 Keir Morse
Allium tuolumnense Rawhide Hill onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar-May None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Mining, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Cismontane woodland (serpentinite) 300 600 985 1970 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Allium tuolumnense
© 2010 Steven Perry
Allium shevockii Spanish Needle onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Grazing, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest Rocky 850 2500 2790 8205 Yes 1988-01-01 Photo of Allium shevockii
© 2009 Aaron Schusteff
Allium tribracteatum three-bracted onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Volcanic 1100 3000 3610 9845 Yes 1988-01-01 Photo of Allium tribracteatum
© 2018 Sierra Pacific Industries
Allium yosemitense Yosemite onion Alliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jul None CR G3 S3 1B.3 Erosion/runoff, Mining, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest Granitic (sometimes), Metamorphic (sometimes), Rocky 535 2200 1755 7220 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Allium yosemitense
© 2012 Lynn Robertson
Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis Sonoma alopecurus Poaceae perennial herb May-Jul FE None G5T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other Marshes and swamps (freshwater), Riparian scrub 5 365 15 1200 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis
© 2013 Vernon Smith
Ambrosia chenopodiifolia San Diego bur-sage Asteraceae perennial shrub Apr-Jun None None G2G3 S1 2B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Agriculture, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Coastal scrub 55 155 180 510 1974-01-01 Photo of Ambrosia chenopodiifolia
© 2020 Keir Morse
Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hearstiorum Hearsts' manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr None CE G3T2 S2? 1B.2 Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Hybridization Chaparral (maritime), Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Sandy 55 200 180 655 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hearstiorum
© 2006 Steve Matson
Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hookeri Hooker's manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Jun None None G3T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Agriculture, Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Sandy 46 536 150 1760 Yes 1984-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hookeri
© 2011 Chris Winchell
Arctostaphylos montana ssp. ravenii Presidio manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Mar FE CE G3T1 S1 1B.1 Development, Disease, Foot traffic/trampling, Insufficient population/stand size, Non-native plant impacts Chaparral, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub Serpentine 45 215 150 705 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos montana ssp. ravenii
© 2019 Susan McDougall
Arctostaphylos imbricata San Bruno Mountain manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-May None CE G1 S1 1B.1 ORV activity, Other Chaparral, Coastal scrub Rocky 275 370 900 1215 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos imbricata
© 2013 Robert Sikora
Arctostaphylos klamathensis Klamath manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub May-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Biocides, Improper burning regime, Logging, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (montane), Lower montane coniferous forest, Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Gabbroic (sometimes), Rocky, Serpentine (sometimes) 1370 2250 4495 7380 Yes 1984-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos klamathensis
©2014 Dean Wm. Taylor
Arctostaphylos luciana Santa Lucia manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Dec-Mar None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCSC; USFS_S Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Shale 350 850 1150 2790 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos luciana
© 2011 David Graber
Arctostaphylos montana ssp. montana Mt. Tamalpais manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr None None G3T3 S3 1B.3 SB_UCBG Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Valley and foothill grassland Rocky, Serpentine 160 760 525 2495 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos montana ssp. montana
© 2018 John Doyen
Arctostaphylos montaraensis Montara manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Mar None None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (maritime), Coastal scrub 80 500 260 1640 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos montaraensis
© 2016 Neal Kramer
Arctostaphylos montereyensis Toro manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Mar None None G2? S2? 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Development, Non-native plant impacts Chaparral (maritime), Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub Sandy 30 730 100 2395 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos montereyensis
© 2018 Susan McDougall
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana ssp. decumbens Rincon Ridge manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr(May) None None G3T1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCSC Agriculture, Development, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (rhyolitic), Cismontane woodland 75 370 245 1215 Yes 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctostaphylos crustacea ssp. eastwoodiana Eastwood's brittle-leaf manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Mar None None G4T2 S2 1B.1 Development, Improper burning regime Chaparral (maritime, sandy) 90 365 295 1200 Yes 1988-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos crustacea ssp. eastwoodiana
© 2006 Adonis (Don) Tate
Arctostaphylos virgata Marin manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Mar None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Erosion/runoff, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, North Coast coniferous forest Granitic (sometimes), Sandstone (sometimes) 60 700 195 2295 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus clavatus var. avius Pleasant Valley mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jul None None G4T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Agriculture, Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Lower montane coniferous forest (Josephine silt loam, volcanic) 305 1800 1000 5905 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Calochortus clavatus var. avius
© 2023 Sierra Pacific Industries
Calochortus dunnii Dunn's mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb (Feb)Apr-Jun None CR G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Valley and foothill grassland Gabbroic (sometimes), Rocky 185 1830 605 6005 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus excavatus Inyo County star-tulip Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Grazing, Groundwater pumping, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chenopod scrub, Meadows and seeps Alkaline, Mesic 1150 2000 3775 6560 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus greenei Greene's mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Jun-Aug None None G3 S2S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; USFS_S Development, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Meadows and seeps, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest Volcanic 1035 1890 3395 6200 1974-01-01 Photo of Calochortus greenei
© 2013 Scot Loring
Calystegia stebbinsii Stebbins' morning-glory Convolvulaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Apr-Jul FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Landfill, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral (openings), Cismontane woodland Gabbroic (sometimes), Seeps (sometimes) 185 1090 605 3575 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Camissonia benitensis San Benito evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb Apr-Jun FD None G2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; SB_UCBG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Carbonate (sometimes), Gravelly (sometimes), Serpentine 600 1280 1970 4200 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Camissonia benitensis
© 2005 David A Tharp
Collomia larsenii talus collomia Polemoniaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Sep(Oct) None None G4 S2 2B.2 USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Road/trail construction/maint. Alpine boulder and rock field, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Talus, Volcanic 2210 3500 7250 11485 1980-01-01 Photo of Collomia larsenii
© 2009 Leigh Johnson
Collomia rawsoniana Rawson's flaming trumpet Polemoniaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_SBBG; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps, Riparian forest Mesic 780 2200 2560 7220 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Colubrina californica Las Animas colubrina Rhamnaceae perennial deciduous shrub Apr-Jun None None G4 S2S3 2B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity Mojavean desert scrub, Sonoran desert scrub 10 1000 35 3280 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Comarostaphylis diversifolia ssp. diversifolia summer holly Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Apr-Jun None None G3T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland 30 790 100 2590 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Cordylanthus capitatus Yakima bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) Jul-Sep None None G4 S2 2B.2 Grazing, Logging, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV) Great Basin scrub, Lower montane coniferous forest, Pinyon and juniper woodland 1800 2377 5905 7800 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Pseudorontium cyathiferum Deep Canyon snapdragon Plantaginaceae annual herb Feb-Apr None None G4G5 S1 2B.3 Sonoran desert scrub (rocky) 0 800 0 2625 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya abramsii ssp. affinis San Bernardino Mountains dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None None G4T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Pebble (Pavement) plain, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest Carbonate (sometimes), Granitic (sometimes) 1250 2600 4100 8530 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya abramsii ssp. murina mouse-gray dudleya Crassulaceae perennial leaf May-Jun None None G4T2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine 90 525 295 1725 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Dudleya abramsii ssp. murina
Chris Winchell
Dudleya attenuata ssp. attenuata Orcutt's dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G4T1T2 S1 2B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Military operations, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub Gravelly (sometimes), Rocky (sometimes) 3 50 10 165 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya abramsii ssp. bettinae Betty's dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G4T2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Rocky, Serpentine 20 180 65 590 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Centromadia parryi ssp. australis southern tarplant Asteraceae annual herb May-Nov None None G3T2 S2 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; SB_SBBG Agriculture, Development, Disking, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Hybridization, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Waterway bank protection/maintenance, Wood cutting or brush clearing Marshes and swamps (margins), Valley and foothill grassland (vernally mesic), Vernal pools 0 480 0 1575 1994-01-01
No Photo Available
Hemizonia congesta ssp. congesta congested-headed hayfield tarplant Asteraceae annual herb Apr-Nov None None G5T2 S2 1B.2 SB_UCBG Agriculture, Development, Disking, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Valley and foothill grassland Roadsides (sometimes) 20 560 65 1835 Yes 1988-01-01 Photo of Hemizonia congesta ssp. congesta
© 2015 Vernon Smith
Deinandra conjugens Otay tarplant Asteraceae annual herb (Apr)May-Jun FT CE G1G2 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Clay 25 300 80 985 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Deinandra floribunda Tecate tarplant Asteraceae annual herb Aug-Oct None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; SB_USDA; USFS_S Development, Grazing, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Coastal scrub 70 1220 230 4005 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Deinandra halliana Hall's tarplant Asteraceae annual herb (Mar)Apr-May None None G3 S3 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Agriculture, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chenopod scrub, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Alkaline (sometimes), Clay 260 950 855 3115 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Carex idahoa Idaho sedge Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul None None G3 S1 2B.3 Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest 2850 3200 9350 10500 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Carex petasata Liddon's sedge Cyperaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G5 S3 2B.3 Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps, Pinyon and juniper woodland 600 3320 1970 10895 1984-01-01 Photo of Carex petasata
©2019 Sierra Pacific Industries
Carex praticola northern meadow sedge Cyperaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G5 S2 2B.2 Grazing, Logging Meadows and seeps (mesic) 0 3200 0 10500 1984-01-01 Photo of Carex praticola
©2013 Scot Loring
Carex sheldonii Sheldon's sedge Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb May-Aug None None G4 S2 2B.2 Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Degraded water quality, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest (mesic), Marshes and swamps (freshwater), Riparian scrub 1200 2012 3935 6600 1980-01-01 Photo of Carex sheldonii
©2015 Steve Matson
Carpenteria californica tree-anemone Hydrangeaceae perennial evergreen shrub (Apr)May-Jul None CT G1G2 S1S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG; USFS_S Dam/Inundation, Development, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Granitic (usually) 340 1340 1115 4395 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia delicata delicate clarkia Onagraceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CRES Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Gabbroic (often) 235 1000 770 3280 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia franciscana Presidio clarkia Onagraceae annual herb May-Jul FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCBG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland (serpentinite) 25 335 80 1100 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia imbricata Vine Hill clarkia Onagraceae annual herb Jun-Aug FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG Agriculture, Development, Hybridization, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Valley and foothill grassland Acidic, Loam, Sandy 50 75 165 245 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia jolonensis Jolon clarkia Onagraceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_SBBG; USFS_S Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Riparian woodland 20 660 65 2165 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia lingulata Merced clarkia Onagraceae annual herb May-Jun None CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG; USFS_S Biocides, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland 400 455 1310 1495 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia mildrediae ssp. mildrediae Mildred's clarkia Onagraceae annual herb May-Aug None None G3T3? S3? 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_UCSC; USFS_S Biocides, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Insufficient population/stand size, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest Granitic (usually), Sandy 245 1710 805 5610 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia mosquinii Mosquin's clarkia Onagraceae annual herb May-Jul(Sep) None None G2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest Roadsides, Rocky 185 1490 605 4890 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Clarkia mosquinii
© 2002 Dean Wm Taylor
Clarkia rostrata beaked clarkia Onagraceae annual herb Apr-May None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland 60 500 195 1640 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata Pismo clarkia Onagraceae annual herb May-Jul FE CR G4T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (margins, openings), Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Sandy 25 185 80 605 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia springvillensis Springville clarkia Onagraceae annual herb (Mar)Apr-Jul FT CE G2 S2 1B.2 SB_UCSC Biocides, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Granitic 245 1220 805 4005 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Clarkia tembloriensis ssp. calientensis Vasek's clarkia Onagraceae annual herb Apr None None G3T1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Valley and foothill grassland 275 500 900 1640 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. insularis Santa Rosa Island dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Mar-Apr None None G2T1 S1 1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub 3 10 10 35 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Chloropyron maritimum ssp. maritimum salt marsh bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) May-Oct(Nov) FE CE G4?T1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; SB_SBBG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Insufficient population/stand size, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Coastal dunes, Marshes and swamps (coastal salt) 0 30 0 100 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre Point Reyes salty bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) Jun-Oct None None G4?T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Degraded water quality, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Insufficient population/stand size, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Pollution, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter Marshes and swamps (coastal salt) 0 10 0 35 1974-01-01 Photo of Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre
©2017 John Doyen
Chloropyron molle ssp. hispidum hispid salty bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) Jun-Sep None None G2T1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Meadows and seeps, Playas, Valley and foothill grassland Alkaline 1 155 5 510 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Chloropyron molle ssp. molle soft salty bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) Jun-Nov FE CR G2T1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Channelization, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Pollution, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter Marshes and swamps (coastal salt) 0 3 0 10 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Chloropyron molle ssp. molle
© 2014 John Doyen
Cordylanthus nidularius Mt. Diablo bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) Jun-Aug None CR G1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCBG Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (serpentinite) 600 800 1970 2625 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dicranostegia orcuttiana Orcutt's bird's-beak Orobanchaceae annual herb (hemiparasitic) (Mar)Apr-Jul(Sep) None None G3 S1 2B.1 SB_CRES Development, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal scrub 10 350 35 1150 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Aphanisma blitoides aphanisma Chenopodiaceae annual herb Feb-Jun None None G3G4 S2 1B.2 SB_CRES; SB_SBBG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 1 305 5 1000 1980-01-01 Photo of Aphanisma blitoides
© 2010 Larry Sward
Arabis aculeolata Waldo rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None None G4 S2 2B.2 SB_BerrySB Erosion/runoff, Logging Broadleafed upland forest, Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Serpentine 410 1800 1345 5905 1980-01-01 Photo of Arabis aculeolata
© 2020 John Doyen
Boechera bodiensis Bodie Hills rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Jun-Jul(Aug) None None G3 S3 1B.3 BLM_S; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Alpine boulder and rock field, Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Subalpine coniferous forest 2085 3530 6840 11580 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera peirsonii San Bernardino rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Mar-Aug None None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV) Subalpine coniferous forest (rocky) 2700 3200 8860 10500 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera cobrensis Masonic rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Jun-Jul None None G5 S3 2B.3 Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Road/trail construction/maint. Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Sandy 1375 3105 4510 10190 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera constancei Constance's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.1 USFS_S Biocides, Disease, Erosion/runoff, Improper burning regime, Logging, Mining, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Rocky, Serpentine 975 2025 3200 6645 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera hoffmannii Hoffmann's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Feb-Apr FE None G1G2 S1S2 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts Chaparral, Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub Rocky, Sandy, Volcanic 60 395 195 1295 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera johnstonii Johnston's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Feb-Jun None None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest Clay 1350 2150 4430 7055 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera koehleri Koehler's stipitate rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb (Mar)Apr-Jul None None G3G4 S3 1B.3 USFS_S Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest Rocky, Serpentine 155 1660 510 5445 1988-01-01 Photo of Boechera koehleri
©2019 Dana York
Arabis mcdonaldiana McDonald's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb May-Jul FE CE G3 S3 1B.1 SB_BerrySB; SB_CalBG/RSABG Grazing, Mining, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Serpentine 135 1800 445 5905 1974-01-01 Photo of Arabis mcdonaldiana
© 2003 Norman Jensen
Boechera parishii Parish's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Apr-May None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Pebble (Pavement) plain, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest Carbonate (sometimes), Rocky 1770 2990 5805 9810 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera pinzliae Pinzl's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Jul None None G1G2 S1 1B.3 USFS_S Alpine boulder and rock field, Subalpine coniferous forest (scree, sandy) 3000 3350 9845 10990 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera lincolnensis Lincoln rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Mar-May None None G4G5 S3 2B.3 BLM_S Chenopod scrub, Mojavean desert scrub Carbonate 1100 2705 3610 8875 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Arabis rigidissima var. rigidissima Trinity Mountains rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None None G3T3 S3 1B.3 Upper montane coniferous forest (gravelly, rocky) 1190 2200 3905 7220 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arabis rigidissima var. rigidissima
©2015 Dana York
Boechera shockleyi Shockley's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb May-Jun None None G3 S2 2B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Pinyon and juniper woodland (carbonate, gravelly, quartzite, rocky) 875 2310 2870 7580 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Boechera tiehmii Tiehm's rockcress Brassicaceae perennial herb Jul-Aug None None G3 S3 1B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Road/trail construction/maint. Alpine boulder and rock field (granitic) 2970 3590 9745 11780 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Arctomecon merriamii white bear poppy Papaveraceae perennial herb (Mar)Apr-May None None G3 S3 2B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Military operations, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chenopod scrub, Mojavean desert scrub Rocky 490 1800 1610 5905 1980-01-01 Photo of Arctomecon merriamii
© 2010 James M. Andre
Arctostaphylos auriculata Mt. Diablo manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Mar None None G2 S2 1B.3 SB_UCSC Biocides, Development, Grazing, Improper burning regime, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (sandstone), Cismontane woodland 135 650 445 2135 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos auriculata
© 2006 Steve Matson
Arctostaphylos bakeri ssp. bakeri Baker's manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr None CR G2T1 S1 1B.1 SB_UCSC Development, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral Serpentine (often) 75 300 245 985 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos bakeri ssp. bakeri
© 2004 David Graber
Atriplex coronata var. notatior San Jacinto Valley crownscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb Apr-Aug FE None G4T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Disking, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Playas, Valley and foothill grassland (mesic), Vernal pools Alkaline 139 500 455 1640 Yes 1988-01-01 Photo of Atriplex coronata var. notatior
© 2008 Larry Sward
Atriplex parishii Parish's brittlescale Chenopodiaceae annual herb Jun-Oct None None G1G2 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CRES; USFS_S Agriculture, Development, Disking, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity Chenopod scrub, Playas, Vernal pools Alkaline 25 1900 80 6235 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Extriplex joaquinana San Joaquin spearscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb Apr-Oct None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Biocides, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Landfill, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Waterway bank protection/maintenance Chenopod scrub, Meadows and seeps, Playas, Valley and foothill grassland Alkaline 1 835 5 2740 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Atriplex coronata var. vallicola Lost Hills crownscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb Apr-Sep None None G4T3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S Agriculture, Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Waterway bank protection/maintenance Chenopod scrub, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal pools Alkaline 50 635 165 2085 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ayenia compacta California ayenia Malvaceae perennial herb Mar-Apr None None G4 S3 2B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG Foot traffic/trampling, Mining, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV) Mojavean desert scrub, Sonoran desert scrub Rocky 150 1095 490 3595 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus maritimus maritime ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-Apr None CR G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing Chaparral (maritime), Coastal bluff scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Clay 10 150 35 490 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus masonii Mason's ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Mar-Apr None CR G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Grazing, Improper burning regime, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (openings, rocky, serpentinite) 230 500 755 1640 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus purpureus holly-leaved ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_SBBG Agriculture, Development, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Rocky, Volcanic 120 640 395 2100 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Ceanothus purpureus
© 2012 Jake Ruygt
Ceanothus roderickii Pine Hill ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Apr-Jun FE CR G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Development, Erosion/runoff, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Gabbroic (sometimes), Serpentine (sometimes) 245 1090 805 3575 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus sonomensis Sonoma ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_SBBG Development, Improper burning regime, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (sandy, serpentinite, volcanic) 215 800 705 2625 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus verrucosus wart-stemmed ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Dec-May None None G2G3 S2? 2B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; SB_UCBG Agriculture, Dam/Inundation, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Coastal scrub 1 380 5 1245 1974-01-01 Photo of Ceanothus verrucosus
© Rick York and CNPS
Delphinium parryi ssp. blochmaniae dune larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None None G4T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S Development, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (maritime), Coastal dunes 0 200 0 655 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Delphinium purpusii rose-flowered larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb (Mar)Apr-May None None G3 S3 1B.3 BLM_S; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Pinyon and juniper woodland Carbonate (often), Rocky 300 1340 985 4395 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Delphinium recurvatum recurved larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb Mar-Jun None None G2? S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Agriculture, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Landfill, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chenopod scrub, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Alkaline 3 790 10 2590 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Delphinium stachydeum spiked larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None None G5? S3 2B.3 Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Great Basin scrub, Upper montane coniferous forest (edges) Rocky 1300 2600 4265 8530 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Delphinium umbraculorum umbrella larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None None G3 S3 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland 400 1600 1310 5250 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Delphinium umbraculorum
© 2016 Amelia Ryan
Delphinium variegatum ssp. thornei Thorne's royal larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb (Mar)Apr-May None None G4T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Erosion/runoff Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland (coastal) 250 575 820 1885 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum Cushenbury buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial herb May-Aug FE None G5T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Joshua tree "woodland", Mojavean desert scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Carbonate 1400 2440 4595 8005 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Eriogonum pendulum Waldo wild buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial herb Aug-Sep None None G4 S2S3 2B.2 Erosion/runoff, Improper burning regime, Mining, Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Serpentine 230 1000 755 3280 1974-01-01 Photo of Eriogonum pendulum
© 2021 Scot Loring
Eriogonum prociduum prostrate buckwheat Polygonaceae perennial herb May-Aug None None G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest Volcanic 1300 2705 4265 8875 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Johanneshowellia puberula downy buckwheat Polygonaceae annual herb May-Sep None None G4? S1 2B.3 Pinyon and juniper woodland (carbonate, sandy or gravelly) 1300 2900 4265 9515 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Hazardia cana San Clemente Island hazardia Asteraceae perennial evergreen shrub Jun-Sep None None G3 S3 1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub, Riparian forest 60 500 195 1640 1974-01-01 Photo of Hazardia cana
© 2009 Zoya Akulova
Hazardia orcuttii Orcutt's hazardia Asteraceae perennial evergreen shrub Aug-Oct None CT G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Insufficient population/stand size, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV) Chaparral (maritime), Coastal scrub Clay (often) 80 85 260 280 1984-01-01 Photo of Hazardia orcuttii
© 2011 Keir Morse
Helianthella castanea Diablo helianthella Asteraceae perennial herb Mar-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Insufficient population/stand size, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Riparian woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Rocky (usually) 60 1300 195 4265 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Helianthella castanea
© 2013 Christopher Bronny
Crocanthemum greenei island rush-rose Cistaceae perennial evergreen shrub (Jan)Mar-Jul(Aug) FT None G3 S3 1B.2 SB_SBBG Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Openings, Rocky 15 490 50 1610 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. californica Butte County meadowfoam Limnanthaceae annual herb Mar-May FE CE G4T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion Valley and foothill grassland (mesic), Vernal pools 46 930 150 3050 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Limnanthes floccosa ssp. californica
© 2007 George W. Hartwell
Limnanthes alba ssp. parishii Parish's meadowfoam Limnanthaceae annual herb Apr-Jun None CE G4T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Channelization, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps, Vernal pools Vernally Mesic 600 2000 1970 6560 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Limnanthes alba ssp. parishii
© 2005 Christopher L. Christie
Limnanthes vinculans Sebastopol meadowfoam Limnanthaceae annual herb Apr-May FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Meadows and seeps, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal pools Vernally Mesic 15 305 50 1000 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Limnanthes vinculans
© 2015 Vernon Smith
Linanthus bellus desert beauty Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-May None None G2G3 S2 2B.1 SB_CRES Development, Grazing, Landfill, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (sandy) 1000 1400 3280 4595 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Linanthus concinnus San Gabriel linanthus Polemoniaceae annual herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Openings, Rocky 1520 2800 4985 9185 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Linanthus concinnus
© 2019 RT Hawke
Diplacus pictus calico monkeyflower Phrymaceae annual herb Mar-May None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Dam/Inundation, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Broadleafed upland forest, Cismontane woodland Disturbed areas, Granitic 100 1430 330 4690 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Diplacus pictus
© 2020 Matt C. Berger
Diplacus pulchellus yellow-lip pansy monkeyflower Phrymaceae annual herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps Clay, Disturbed areas (often), Vernally Mesic 600 2000 1970 6560 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Diplacus pulchellus
© 2018 Sierra Pacific Industries
Erythranthe purpurea little purple monkeyflower Phrymaceae annual herb May-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Meadows and seeps, Pebble (Pavement) plain, Upper montane coniferous forest 1900 2300 6235 7545 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Erythranthe shevockii Kelso Creek monkeyflower Phrymaceae annual herb Mar-May None None G1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Agriculture, Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Joshua tree "woodland", Pinyon and juniper woodland Granitic (sometimes), Gravelly (sometimes), Metamorphic (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 800 1340 2625 4395 Yes 1984-01-01 Photo of Erythranthe shevockii
© 2021 Ryan O'Dell
Arctostaphylos franciscana Franciscan manzanita Ericaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr FE None GHC S1 1B.1 SB_UCBG Development, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal scrub (serpentinite) 60 300 195 985 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Arctostaphylos franciscana
© 2015 Neal Kramer
Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort Caryophyllaceae perennial stoloniferous herb May-Aug FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_SBBG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Degraded water quality, Development, Feral pigs, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Pollution, Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter Marshes and swamps (brackish, freshwater) Openings, Sandy 3 170 10 560 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Eremogone ursina Big Bear Valley sandwort Caryophyllaceae perennial herb May-Aug FT None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Meadows and seeps, Pebble (Pavement) plain, Pinyon and juniper woodland Mesic, Rocky 1800 2900 5905 9515 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Eremothera minor Nelson's evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb Apr-Jul None None G4 S1S2 2B.3 Non-native plant impacts, Other Chenopod scrub, Great Basin scrub (sandy) 1200 1380 3935 4530 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Camissonia sierrae ssp. alticola Mono Hot Springs evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb May-Aug None None G3T2 S2 1B.2 USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Granitic, Gravelly 1035 2410 3395 7905 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Eastwoodiella californica swamp harebell Campanulaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Oct None None G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Degraded water quality, Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Bogs and fens, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal prairie, Marshes and swamps (freshwater), Meadows and seeps, North Coast coniferous forest Mesic 1 405 5 1330 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ravenella exigua chaparral harebell Campanulaceae annual herb May-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (rocky, usually serpentinite) 275 1250 900 4100 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ravenella sharsmithiae Sharsmith's harebell Campanulaceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G1G2 S1S2 1B.2 BLM_S Chaparral (rocky, serpentinite) 490 855 1610 2805 Yes 1984-01-01
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Campanula shetleri Castle Crags harebell Campanulaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Sep None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Recreational use (non-ORV) Lower montane coniferous forest (rocky) 1220 1830 4005 6005 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Campanula shetleri
©2020 Neal Kramer
Smithiastrum wilkinsianum Wilkin's harebell Campanulaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Sep None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest 1270 2600 4165 8530 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Smithiastrum wilkinsianum
©2010 Eric White
Cardamine pachystigma var. dissectifolia dissected-leaved toothwort Brassicaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Feb-May None None G3G5T2Q S2 1B.2 BLM_S Biocides, Improper burning regime, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest Rocky, Serpentine (usually) 255 2100 835 6890 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Carex californica California sedge Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb May-Aug None None G5 S2 2B.2 Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Logging, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Bogs and fens, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal prairie, Marshes and swamps (margins), Meadows and seeps 90 335 295 1100 1974-01-01
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Draba carnosula Mt. Eddy draba Brassicaceae perennial herb Jul-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.3 SB_BerrySB; USFS_S Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Rocky, Serpentine 1935 3000 6350 9845 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Draba carnosula
©2011 Steve Matson
Draba cruciata Mineral King draba Brassicaceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None None G3 S3 1B.3 USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Road/trail construction/maint. Subalpine coniferous forest (gravelly) 2500 3315 8205 10875 Yes 1974-01-01
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Draba sharsmithii Mt. Whitney draba Brassicaceae perennial herb Jul-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Road/trail construction/maint. Alpine boulder and rock field, Subalpine coniferous forest 3300 3960 10825 12995 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Draba incrassata Sweetwater Mountains draba Brassicaceae perennial stoloniferous herb Jul-Aug None None G2 S2S3 1B.3 USFS_S ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint. Alpine boulder and rock field (rhyolitic talus) 2500 3965 8205 13010 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Cusickiella quadricostata Bodie Hills cusickiella Brassicaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Clay (sometimes), Rocky (sometimes) 2000 2800 6560 9185 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Draba sierrae Sierra draba Brassicaceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None None G3 S3 1B.3 Alpine boulder and rock field (carbonate, granitic) 3500 4265 11485 13995 Yes 1974-01-01
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Drosera anglica English sundew Droseraceae perennial herb (carnivorous) Jun-Sep None None G5 S2 2B.3 Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV) Bogs and fens, Meadows and seeps (mesic) 1300 2255 4265 7400 1974-01-01 Photo of Drosera anglica
Barry Rice 2007
Dryopteris filix-mas male fern Dryopteridaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Sep None None G5 S2 2B.3 Upper montane coniferous forest (granitic, rocky) 2400 3100 7875 10170 1974-01-01
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Asarum marmoratum marbled wild-ginger Aristolochiaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Apr-Aug None None G4? S2 2B.3 SB_UCSC Logging, Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest 200 1800 655 5905 1988-01-01 Photo of Asarum marmoratum
© 2021 Scot Loring
Asplenium septentrionale northern spleenwort Aspleniaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Aug None None G5 S3 2B.3 Logging Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Granitic, Rocky 1615 3350 5300 10990 1974-01-01 Photo of Asplenium septentrionale
©2018 Sierra Pacific Industries
Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes maidenhair spleenwort Aspleniaceae perennial rhizomatous herb May-Jul None None G5T5 S1 2B.1 Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest (rocky) 185 200 605 655 1984-01-01 Photo of Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes
©2012 Dana York
Asplenium viride green spleenwort Aspleniaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Aug None None G5 S1 2B.3 SB_UCSC Subalpine coniferous forest (carbonate, gravelly, rocky) 2050 2050 6725 6725 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Symphyotrichum lentum Suisun Marsh aster Asteraceae perennial rhizomatous herb (Apr)May-Nov None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Waterway bank protection/maintenance Marshes and swamps (brackish, freshwater) 0 3 0 10 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Symphyotrichum greatae Greata's aster Asteraceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Oct None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest, Riparian woodland Mesic 300 2010 985 6595 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Symphyotrichum greatae
© 2006 Michael Charters
Astragalus agnicidus Humboldt County milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb (Mar)Apr-Sep None CE G2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; SB_CalBG/RSABG Biocides, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, North Coast coniferous forest Disturbed areas, Openings, Roadsides (sometimes) 120 800 395 2625 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Astragalus agnicidus
©2004 Dean Wm. Taylor
Astragalus albens Cushenbury milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Mar-Jun FE None G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Joshua tree "woodland", Mojavean desert scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Carbonate (usually), Granitic (rarely) 1095 2000 3595 6560 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus argophyllus var. argophyllus silver-leaved milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G5T4 S2 2B.2 BLM_S Development, Grazing, Groundwater pumping, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Meadows and seeps, Playas Alkaline (sometimes) 1240 2350 4070 7710 1980-01-01 Photo of Astragalus argophyllus var. argophyllus
© 2020 Steve Matson
Astragalus atratus var. mensanus Darwin Mesa milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None None G4G5T2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S Grazing Great Basin scrub, Joshua tree "woodland", Pinyon and juniper woodland Clay, Gravelly, Volcanic 1340 2315 4395 7595 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus brauntonii Braunton's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jan-Aug FE None G2 S2 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Burned areas (sometimes), Carbonate, Disturbed areas (sometimes), Sandstone (usually) 4 640 15 2100 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Astragalus brauntonii
© 2009 Thomas Stoughton
Astragalus cimae var. cimae Cima milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-May None None G3T2T3 S2? 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV) Great Basin scrub, Joshua tree "woodland", Pinyon and juniper woodland Clay 890 1850 2920 6070 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus claranus Clara Hunt's milk-vetch Fabaceae annual herb Mar-May FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Development, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral (openings), Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Clay, Rocky, Serpentine (sometimes), Volcanic (sometimes) 75 275 245 900 Yes 1974-01-01
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Astragalus deanei Dean's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Feb-May None None G1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Riparian forest 75 695 245 2280 Yes 1974-01-01
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Astragalus douglasii var. perstrictus Jacumba milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None None G5T3? S2S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Landfill, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Riparian scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Rocky 900 1370 2955 4495 1984-01-01
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Astragalus ertterae Walker Pass milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-May None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Pinyon and juniper woodland (granitic, sandy) 1705 1900 5595 6235 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus funereus black milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Mar-May None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S Mojavean desert scrub (sometimes carbonate, clay, gravelly, rocky) 1280 2100 4200 6890 1980-01-01
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Astragalus geyeri var. geyeri Geyer's milk-vetch Fabaceae annual herb May-Aug None None G4T4 S2 2B.2 Grazing, Mining, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chenopod scrub, Great Basin scrub Sandy 1160 1980 3805 6495 1974-01-01
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Astragalus gilmanii Gilman's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Foot traffic/trampling, Road/trail construction/maint. Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Gravelly (sometimes), Rocky (sometimes) 2000 3050 6560 10005 1974-01-01
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Astragalus insularis var. harwoodii Harwood's milk-vetch Fabaceae annual herb Jan-May None None G5T4 S2 2B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Desert dunes, Mojavean desert scrub Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 0 710 0 2330 1980-01-01
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Astragalus jaegerianus Lane Mountain milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun FE None G2 S2 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Vandalism/dumping/litter Joshua tree "woodland", Mojavean desert scrub Granitic, Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 900 1200 2955 3935 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus johannis-howellii Long Valley milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None CR G2 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Dam/Inundation, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Great Basin scrub (sandy loam) 2040 2530 6695 8300 1974-01-01
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Astragalus kentrophyta var. elatus spiny-leaved milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jun-Sep None None G5T4 S2 2B.2 Road/trail construction/maint. Subalpine coniferous forest (sometimes carbonate, rocky) 3000 3490 9845 11450 1974-01-01
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Astragalus lentiformis lens-pod milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; USFS_S Dam/Inundation, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Great Basin scrub, Lower montane coniferous forest Sandy, Volcanic 1460 1910 4790 6265 Yes 1974-01-01
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Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae Coachella Valley milk-vetch Fabaceae annual/perennial herb Feb-May FE None G5T1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter Desert dunes, Sonoran desert scrub (sandy) 40 655 130 2150 Yes 1984-01-01
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Astragalus lentiginosus var. kernensis Kern Plateau milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jun-Jul None None G5T2? S2S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest Sandy 2240 2750 7350 9025 1980-01-01
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Astragalus lentiginosus var. micans shining milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Mar-Jun None None G5T1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_USDA Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV) Desert dunes 770 1175 2525 3855 Yes 1974-01-01
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Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis Fish Slough milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jun-Jul FT None G5T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Grazing, ORV activity, Other, Vandalism/dumping/litter Playas (alkaline) 1130 1300 3710 4265 Yes 1980-01-01
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Astragalus lentiginosus var. sesquimetralis Sodaville milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None CE G5T1 S1 1B.1 Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Non-native animal impacts Meadows and seeps (alkaline) 955 975 3135 3200 1974-01-01
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Astragalus leucolobus Big Bear Valley woollypod Fabaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; IUCN_VU; SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Lower montane coniferous forest, Pebble (Pavement) plain, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest Rocky 1100 2885 3610 9465 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus magdalenae var. peirsonii Peirson's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Dec-Apr FT CE G3G4T1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG ORV activity, Other Desert dunes 60 225 195 740 1974-01-01
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Astragalus mohavensis var. hemigyrus curved-pod milk-vetch Fabaceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G3G4T2T3 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Mining Joshua tree "woodland", Mojavean desert scrub Carbonate 1250 1620 4100 5315 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus monoensis Mono milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None CR G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Great Basin scrub, Upper montane coniferous forest Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 2110 3355 6925 11010 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus nevinii San Clemente Island milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Feb-Jul None None G3 S3 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Non-native plant impacts Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland 5 225 15 740 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus oocarpus San Diego milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Aug None None G2? S2? 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (openings), Cismontane woodland 305 1524 1000 5000 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus oophorus var. lavinii Lavin's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jun None None G4T2 S1 1B.2 BLM_S Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland 2450 3050 8040 10005 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus preussii var. laxiflorus Lancaster milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Mar-May None None G4T2 S1 1B.1 Development Chenopod scrub 700 700 2295 2295 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus preussii var. preussii Preuss' milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None None G4T4 S1 2B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Development, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chenopod scrub, Mojavean desert scrub Clay 750 805 2460 2640 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus pseudiodanthus Tonopah milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Jun None None G2Q S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Grazing, Road/trail construction/maint. Great Basin scrub (stabilized dunes) 2025 2075 6645 6810 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus Ventura Marsh milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb (Jun)Aug-Oct FE CE G2T1 S1 1B.1 Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Over-collecting/poaching, Pollution Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub, Marshes and swamps (edges, coastal salt, brackish) 1 35 5 115 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus
© 2007 Nicholas Jensen
Astragalus rattanii var. jepsonianus Jepson's milk-vetch Fabaceae annual herb Mar-Jun None None G4T3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine (often) 295 700 970 2295 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus ravenii Raven's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jul-Sep None None G2 S2 1B.3 USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Road/trail construction/maint. Alpine boulder and rock field, Upper montane coniferous forest Gravelly 3355 3460 11010 11350 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus serenoi var. shockleyi Shockley's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb (Apr)May-Jul None None G4T3 S3 2B.2 Erosion/runoff, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV) Chenopod scrub, Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland Alkaline 1500 2320 4920 7610 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus shevockii Shevock's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Jun-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S Upper montane coniferous forest (granitic, sandy) 1890 1965 6200 6445 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus anxius Ash Valley milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G1 S2 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_UCSC; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest Volcanic 1550 1645 5085 5395 Yes 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus tener var. titi coastal dunes milk-vetch Fabaceae annual herb Mar-May FE CE G2T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal bluff scrub (sandy), Coastal dunes, Coastal prairie (mesic) Mesic (often), Vernally Mesic (often) 1 50 5 165 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus traskiae Trask's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Feb-Jul None CR G3 S3 1B.2 Erosion/runoff, Non-native plant impacts Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub 5 245 15 805 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus tricarinatus triple-ribbed milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb Feb-May FE None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint. Joshua tree "woodland", Sonoran desert scrub Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 450 1190 1475 3905 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Astragalus umbraticus Bald Mountain milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Aug None None G4 S2 2B.2 Foot traffic/trampling, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest Roadsides (sometimes) 150 1250 490 4100 1974-01-01 Photo of Astragalus umbraticus
©2013 Scot Loring
Astragalus webberi Webber's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC; USFS_S Logging, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Broadleafed upland forest, Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps 731 1250 2400 4100 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Atriplex cordulata var. cordulata heartscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb Apr-Oct None None G3T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S Agriculture, Dam/Inundation, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint., Waterway bank protection/maintenance Chenopod scrub, Meadows and seeps, Valley and foothill grassland (sandy) Alkaline (sometimes) 0 560 0 1835 Yes 1988-01-01 Photo of Atriplex cordulata var. cordulata
© 1994 Robert E. Preston, Ph.D.
Baccharis vanessae Encinitas baccharis Asteraceae perennial deciduous shrub Aug-Nov FT CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CRES Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Insufficient population/stand size, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (maritime), Cismontane woodland Sandstone 60 720 195 2360 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Balsamorhiza macrolepis big-scale balsamroot Asteraceae perennial herb Mar-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine (sometimes) 45 1555 150 5100 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Balsamorhiza macrolepis
©1998 Dean Wm. Taylor
Balsamorhiza sericea silky balsamroot Asteraceae perennial herb Apr-May(Jun-Jul) None None G3 S3 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; SB_CalBG/RSABG Improper burning regime, Logging, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest (serpentinite) 850 2130 2790 6990 1984-01-01 Photo of Balsamorhiza sericea
© 2021 Scot Loring
Bensoniella oregona bensoniella Saxifragaceae perennial herb May-Jul None CR G3 S2 1B.1 SB_UCSC; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Bogs and fens, Lower montane coniferous forest (openings), Meadows and seeps Mesic 900 1400 2955 4595 1974-01-01 Photo of Bensoniella oregona
© 2021 Scot Loring
Bergerocactus emoryi golden-spined cereus Cactaceae perennial stem May-Jun None None G2G3 S2 2B.2 IUCN_LC; SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Sandy 3 395 10 1295 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Blennosperma bakeri Sonoma sunshine Asteraceae annual herb Mar-May FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Valley and foothill grassland (mesic), Vernal pools 10 110 35 360 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Blennosperma nanum var. robustum Point Reyes blennosperma Asteraceae annual herb Feb-Apr None CR G4T2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub 10 145 35 475 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Blepharidachne kingii King's eyelash grass Poaceae perennial herb May None None G4 S2 2B.3 Other Great Basin scrub (usually carbonate) 1065 2135 3495 7005 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Bloomeria humilis dwarf goldenstar Themidaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Jun None CR G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Coastal bluff scrub, Valley and foothill grassland 10 120 35 395 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Botrychium crenulatum scalloped moonwort Ophioglossaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Sep None None G4 S3 2B.2 USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Groundwater pumping, Improper burning regime, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Bogs and fens, Lower montane coniferous forest, Marshes and swamps (freshwater), Meadows and seeps, Upper montane coniferous forest 1268 3280 4160 10760 1984-01-01 Photo of Botrychium crenulatum
© 2016 Steve Matson
Bouteloua trifida three-awned grama Poaceae perennial herb (Apr)May-Sep None None G4G5 S3 2B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG Mining, ORV activity Mojavean desert scrub (carbonate, rocky) 700 2000 2295 6560 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Brodiaea filifolia thread-leaved brodiaea Themidaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Mar-Jun FT CE G2 S2 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Hybridization, Improper burning regime, Landfill, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter, Waterway bank protection/maintenance, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (openings), Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Playas, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal pools Clay (often) 25 1120 80 3675 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Brodiaea filifolia
© 2016 Keir Morse
Brodiaea insignis Kaweah brodiaea Themidaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jun None CE G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Meadows and seeps, Valley and foothill grassland Clay (sometimes), Granitic (sometimes) 150 1400 490 4595 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Brodiaea insignis
© 2007 Robert E. Preston, Ph.D.
Brodiaea kinkiensis San Clemente Island brodiaea Themidaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Valley and foothill grassland (clay) 305 600 1000 1970 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Brodiaea kinkiensis
© 2011 Neal Kramer
Brodiaea orcuttii Orcutt's brodiaea Themidaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CRES; USFS_S Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps, Valley and foothill grassland, Vernal pools Clay, Mesic 30 1692 100 5550 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Brodiaea orcuttii
© 2001 Ellen Friedman & Ted Dunning
Brodiaea pallida Chinese Camp brodiaea Themidaceae perennial bulbiferous herb May-Jun FT CE G1 S1 1B.1 IUCN_EN Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine (often) 165 385 540 1265 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Brodiaea pallida
© 2014 Robert E. Preston, Ph.D.
Bursera microphylla little-leaf elephant tree Burseraceae perennial deciduous tree Jun-Jul None None G4 S2 2B.3 IUCN_LC; SB_CalBG/RSABG Foot traffic/trampling, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV) Sonoran desert scrub (rocky) 200 700 655 2295 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Calamagrostis crassiglumis Thurber's reed grass Poaceae perennial rhizomatous herb May-Aug None None G5Q S2 2B.1 Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal scrub (mesic), Marshes and swamps (freshwater) 10 60 35 195 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Clinopodium chandleri San Miguel savory Lamiaceae perennial shrub Mar-Jul None None G2G3 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CRES; USFS_S Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Riparian woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Gabbroic (sometimes), Rocky (sometimes) 120 1075 395 3525 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Calliandra eriophylla pink fairy-duster Fabaceae perennial deciduous shrub Jan-Mar None None G5 S3 2B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG Mining, ORV activity, Other, Vandalism/dumping/litter Sonoran desert scrub (sandy, rocky) 120 1500 395 4920 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Calochortus clavatus var. recurvifolius Arroyo de la Cruz mariposa-lily Liliaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Jun-Jul None None G4T1 S1 1B.2 Erosion/runoff, Grazing Chaparral (maritime), Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal prairie, Lower montane coniferous forest 10 120 35 395 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Eremothera boothii ssp. boothii Booth's evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb Apr-Sep None None G5T4 S3 2B.3 Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Joshua tree "woodland", Pinyon and juniper woodland 815 2400 2675 7875 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Camissoniopsis guadalupensis ssp. clementina San Clemente Island evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G3T2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Development, Non-native plant impacts Coastal dunes 0 30 0 100 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Camissoniopsis hardhamiae Hardham's evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb Mar-May None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; USFS_S Biocides, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Burned areas (sometimes), Carbonate, Disturbed areas (sometimes), Sandy 140 945 460 3100 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Camissonia integrifolia Kern River evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb (Apr)May None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S Foot traffic/trampling, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Mojavean desert scrub Openings, Sandy 700 1200 2295 3935 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Camissonia integrifolia
© 2015 John Game
Carex davyi Davy's sedge Cyperaceae perennial herb May-Aug None None G3 S3 1B.3 SB_UCSC Logging, ORV activity Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest 1500 3200 4920 10500 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Carex duriuscula spikerush sedge Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jul-Aug None None G5 S2 2B.3 Great Basin scrub, Subalpine coniferous forest 3500 4100 11485 13450 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Carex halliana Oregon sedge Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb (May)Jul-Sep None None G4G5 S2 2B.3 Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Meadows and seeps, Subalpine coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest 1370 2105 4495 6905 1980-01-01 Photo of Carex halliana
©2010 Keir Morse
Carex lasiocarpa woolly-fruited sedge Cyperaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Jun-Jul None None G5 S2 2B.3 IUCN_LC Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Grazing, Logging, Recreational use (non-ORV) Bogs and fens, Marshes and swamps (freshwater, lake margins) 1700 2100 5580 6890 1980-01-01 Photo of Carex lasiocarpa
© 2011 Sierra Pacific Industries
Carex obispoensis San Luis Obispo sedge Cyperaceae perennial cespitose herb Apr-Jun None None G3? S3? 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Clay (often), Gabbroic (sometimes), Seeps (often), Serpentine (often) 10 820 35 2690 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya brevifolia short-leaved dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Apr-May None CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral (maritime, openings), Coastal scrub Sandstone 30 250 100 820 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya candelabrum candleholder dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None None G3 S3 1B.2 Erosion/runoff Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Rocky 5 610 15 2000 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya cymosa ssp. crebrifolia San Gabriel River dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None None G5T2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Erosion/runoff, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (granitic) 275 457 900 1500 Yes 1988-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya cymosa ssp. marcescens marcescent dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul FT CR G5T2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral Rocky, Volcanic 150 520 490 1705 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya cymosa ssp. ovatifolia Santa Monica dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Mar-Jun FT None G5T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Coastal scrub Rocky, Volcanic (sometimes) 150 1675 490 5495 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya densiflora San Gabriel Mountains dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Mar-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Improper burning regime, Mining, Over-collecting/poaching, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Lower montane coniferous forest, Riparian woodland Granitic 244 610 800 2000 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya multicaulis many-stemmed dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Agriculture, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Landfill, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Clay (often) 15 790 50 2590 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya nesiotica Santa Cruz Island dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb Apr-Jun FD CR G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Erosion/runoff, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub Clay, Gravelly (sometimes), Rocky (sometimes) 10 50 35 165 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Dudleya parva Conejo dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb May-Jun FT None G1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Agriculture, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV) Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Clay (sometimes), Gravelly (sometimes), Rocky (sometimes), Volcanic (sometimes) 60 450 195 1475 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Hesperolinon adenophyllum glandular western flax Linaceae annual herb May-Aug None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.2 BLM_S Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine (usually) 150 1315 490 4315 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hesperolinon adenophyllum
© 2002 John Game
Hesperolinon bicarpellatum two-carpellate western flax Linaceae annual herb (Apr)May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (serpentinite) 60 1005 195 3295 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hesperolinon bicarpellatum
© 2016 John Doyen
Hesperolinon breweri Brewer's western flax Linaceae annual herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Landfill, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine (usually) 30 945 100 3100 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hesperolinon breweri
© 2014 Neal Kramer
Hesperolinon congestum Marin western flax Linaceae annual herb Apr-Jul FT CT G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine 5 370 15 1215 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hesperolinon congestum
© 2009 Neal Kramer
Hesperolinon didymocarpum Lake County western flax Linaceae annual herb May-Jul None CE G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Dam/Inundation, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV) Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine 330 365 1085 1200 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hesperolinon didymocarpum
© 2018 Aaron Arthur
Hesperolinon drymarioides drymaria-like western flax Linaceae annual herb May-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; USFS_S Development, Mining, ORV activity, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine 100 1130 330 3710 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hesperolinon drymarioides
© Niall McCarten and CNPS
Lomatium congdonii Congdon's lomatium Apiaceae perennial herb Mar-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Biocides, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Mining, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Serpentine 300 2100 985 6890 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Lomatium insulare San Nicolas Island lomatium Apiaceae perennial herb Jan-Apr(Jun) None None G3 S2S3 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Coastal bluff scrub (sandy) 15 800 50 2625 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Lomatium martindalei Coast Range lomatium Apiaceae perennial herb May-Jun(Aug) None None G5 S2 2B.3 Logging Coastal bluff scrub, Lower montane coniferous forest, Meadows and seeps 240 3000 785 9845 1980-01-01 Photo of Lomatium martindalei
©2014 Barry Rice
Senna covesii Cove's cassia Fabaceae perennial herb Mar-Jun(Aug) None None G5 S3 2B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Erosion/runoff, Mining, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Sonoran desert scrub Dry, Sandy, Slopes, Washes 225 1295 740 4250 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Castela emoryi Emory's crucifixion-thorn Simaroubaceae perennial deciduous shrub (Apr)Jun-Jul(Sep-Oct) None None G3G4 S2S3 2B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Mojavean desert scrub, Playas, Sonoran desert scrub Gravelly 90 725 295 2380 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Castilleja cinerea ash-gray paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) Jun-Aug FT None G1G2 S1S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Meadows and seeps, Mojavean desert scrub, Pebble (Pavement) plain, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Upper montane coniferous forest (clay, openings) 1800 2960 5905 9710 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Castilleja elata Siskiyou paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) May-Aug None None G3 S2S3 2B.2 Foot traffic/trampling, Logging, Mining, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Bogs and fens, Lower montane coniferous forest (seeps) Serpentine (often) 0 1750 0 5740 1980-01-01 Photo of Castilleja elata
© 2021 Scot Loring
Castilleja gleasoni Mt. Gleason paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) May-Jun(Sep) None CR G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Lower montane coniferous forest, Pinyon and juniper woodland Granitic 1160 2170 3805 7120 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Castilleja grisea San Clemente Island paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) Feb-Aug(Dec) FD CE G3 S3 1B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Erosion/runoff, Improper burning regime Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub Rocky 10 535 35 1755 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Castilleja grisea
© 2014 John Game
Castilleja hololeuca island white-felted paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) Feb-Sep None None G3 S3 1B.2 Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Rocky 20 365 65 1200 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Castilleja hololeuca
Keir Morse
Castilleja mendocinensis Mendocino Coast paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) Apr-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal dunes, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub 0 160 0 525 1974-01-01 Photo of Castilleja mendocinensis
©2015 John Doyen
Castilleja mollis soft-leaved paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) Apr-Aug FE None G2 S2 1B.1 SB_SBBG Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal dunes 5 20 15 65 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Castilleja affinis var. neglecta Tiburon paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) Apr-Jun FE CT G4G5T1T2 S1S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG Development, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Landfill, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other Valley and foothill grassland (serpentinite) 60 400 195 1310 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Castilleja schizotricha split-hair paintbrush Orobanchaceae perennial herb (hemiparasitic) Jul-Aug None None G4 S2S3 1B.3 SB_BerrySB Upper montane coniferous forest Carbonate (often), Decomposed granitic, Serpentine (often) 1500 2300 4920 7545 1984-01-01 Photo of Castilleja schizotricha
© 2014 Scot Loring
Caulanthus amplexicaulis var. barbarae Santa Barbara jewelflower Brassicaceae annual herb May-Jul None None G4T2 S2 1B.1 USFS_S Erosion/runoff, Grazing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest Serpentine 470 1220 1540 4005 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Caulanthus amplexicaulis var. barbarae
© 2017 John B Moule
Caulanthus californicus California jewelflower Brassicaceae annual herb Feb-May FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG; SB_UCBG Agriculture, Development, Grazing, Insufficient population/stand size, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other Chenopod scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Sandy 61 1000 200 3280 Yes 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Hesperidanthus jaegeri Jaeger's hesperidanthus Brassicaceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Mining, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV) Great Basin scrub, Pinyon and juniper woodland, Subalpine coniferous forest Carbonate, Rocky 2135 2800 7005 9185 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hesperidanthus jaegeri
© 2011 Steve Matson
Ceanothus confusus Rincon Ridge ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Jun None None G1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Agriculture, Development, Grazing, Logging, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest Serpentine (sometimes), Volcanic (sometimes) 75 1065 245 3495 Yes 1980-01-01 Photo of Ceanothus confusus
© 2012 Jake Ruygt
Ceanothus cyaneus Lakeside ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Apr-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES; USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Closed-cone coniferous forest 235 755 770 2475 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus divergens Calistoga ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-Apr None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_UCSC Agriculture, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (rocky, serpentinite, volcanic) 170 950 560 3115 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus ferrisiae Coyote ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Jan-May FE None G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Development, Grazing, Improper burning regime Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Serpentine 120 460 395 1510 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus foliosus var. vineatus Vine Hill ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Mar-May None None G3T1 S1 1B.1 Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral 45 305 150 1000 Yes 1988-01-01 Photo of Ceanothus foliosus var. vineatus
© 2013 Terry Gosliner
Ceanothus gloriosus var. porrectus Mt. Vision ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Feb-May None None G4T2 S2 1B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland 25 305 80 1000 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Ceanothus hearstiorum Hearsts' ceanothus Rhamnaceae perennial evergreen shrub Mar-Apr None CR G1G2 S1S2 1B.2 Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Other Chaparral (maritime), Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub 75 245 245 805 Yes 1974-01-01
No Photo Available
Aristocapsa insignis Indian Valley spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb May-Sep None None G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S Dam/Inundation Cismontane woodland (sandy) 300 600 985 1970 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Dodecahema leptoceras slender-horned spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jun FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub (alluvial fans) Sandy 200 760 655 2495 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Cercocarpus traskiae Catalina Island mountain-mahogany Rosaceae perennial evergreen shrub Mar-May FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 IUCN_CR; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_CRES Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Hybridization, Insufficient population/stand size, Other Chaparral, Coastal scrub Gabbroic, Rocky 100 250 330 820 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Cercocarpus traskiae
© 2021 Zoya Akulova
Carnegiea gigantea saguaro Cactaceae perennial stem May-Jun None None G5 S1 2B.2 IUCN_LC; SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Erosion/runoff, Non-native animal impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Sonoran desert scrub (rocky) 50 1500 165 4920 1984-01-01
No Photo Available
Chaenactis parishii Parish's chaenactis Asteraceae perennial herb May-Jul None None G3G4 S3 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_CRES Grazing, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (rocky) 1300 2500 4265 8205 1974-01-01
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Chaenactis suffrutescens Shasta chaenactis Asteraceae perennial herb May-Sep None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_BerrySB; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Dam/Inundation, Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Lower montane coniferous forest, Upper montane coniferous forest Sandy, Serpentine 750 2800 2460 9185 1974-01-01 Photo of Chaenactis suffrutescens
© 2015 Steve Matson
Euphorbia arizonica Arizona spurge Euphorbiaceae perennial herb Mar-Apr None None G5 S3 2B.3 Foot traffic/trampling Sonoran desert scrub (sandy) 50 300 165 985 1980-01-01
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Euphorbia hooveri Hoover's spurge Euphorbiaceae annual herb (May-Jun)Jul-Sep(Oct) FT None G1 S1 1B.2 Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Surface water diversion Vernal pools 25 250 80 820 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Euphorbia hooveri
© 2020 Neal Kramer
Euphorbia ocellata ssp. rattanii Stony Creek spurge Euphorbiaceae annual herb May-Oct None None G4T2? S2? 1B.2 BLM_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Mining, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV) Chaparral, Riparian scrub (streambanks), Valley and foothill grassland (sandy, rocky) 65 800 215 2625 Yes 1980-01-01
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Euphorbia platysperma flat-seeded spurge Euphorbiaceae annual herb Feb-Sep None None G3 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Desert dunes, Sonoran desert scrub (sandy) 65 100 215 330 1980-01-01
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Astrolepis cochisensis ssp. cochisensis scaly cloak fern Pteridaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Apr-Oct None None G5?T4 S2 2B.3 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Joshua tree "woodland", Pinyon and juniper woodland Carbonate 900 1800 2955 5905 1994-01-01
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Argyrochosma limitanea ssp. limitanea southwestern false cloak-fern Pteridaceae perennial rhizomatous herb Apr-Oct None None G4G5T3T4 S1 2B.1 Pinyon and juniper woodland (carbonate, rocky) 1800 1800 5905 5905 1984-01-01
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Myriopteris wootonii Wooton's lace fern Pteridaceae perennial rhizomatous herb May-Oct None None G5 S2 2B.3 Joshua tree "woodland", Pinyon and juniper woodland Rocky 1600 1900 5250 6235 1980-01-01 Photo of Myriopteris wootonii
© 2019 Zoya Akulova
Chlorogalum grandiflorum Red Hills soaproot Agavaceae perennial bulbiferous herb (Apr)May-Jun None None G3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Biocides, Development, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Logging, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest Gabbroic, Serpentine 245 1690 805 5545 Yes 1974-01-01
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Hooveria purpurea var. purpurea Santa Lucia purple amole Agavaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-Jun FT None G2T2 S2 1B.1 SB_SBBG Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Clay, Gravelly 205 385 675 1265 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hooveria purpurea var. purpurea
© 2006 Aaron Schusteff
Hooveria purpurea var. reducta Camatta Canyon amole Agavaceae perennial bulbiferous herb Apr-May FT CR G2T1 S1 1B.1 SB_SBBG Agriculture, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland 305 630 1000 2065 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Hooveria purpurea var. reducta
© 2017 John B Moule
Chorizanthe blakleyi Blakley's spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jun None None G2 S2 1B.3 BLM_S; USFS_S Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Pinyon and juniper woodland 600 1600 1970 5250 Yes 1974-01-01
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Chorizanthe breweri Brewer's spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Aug None None G3 S3 1B.3 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Gravelly (sometimes), Rocky (sometimes), Serpentine 45 800 150 2625 Yes 1980-01-01
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Chorizanthe howellii Howell's spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb May-Jul FE CT G1 S1 1B.2 Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal dunes, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub Disturbed areas (often), Sandy 0 45 0 150 Yes 1980-01-01
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Chorizanthe orcuttiana Orcutt's spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Mar-May FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral (maritime), Closed-cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub Openings, Sandy 3 125 10 410 Yes 1980-01-01
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Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina San Fernando Valley spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jul None CE G3T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; USFS_S Agriculture, Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Coastal scrub (sandy), Valley and foothill grassland 150 1220 490 4005 Yes 1974-01-01
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Chorizanthe pungens var. pungens Monterey spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jun(Jul-Aug) FT None G2T2 S2 1B.2 SB_SBBG; SB_UCBG Agriculture, Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (maritime), Cismontane woodland, Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Sandy 3 450 10 1475 Yes 1980-01-01
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Chorizanthe rectispina straight-awned spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Jul None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Agriculture, Biocides, Development, Disking, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub 85 1035 280 3395 Yes 1974-01-01 Photo of Chorizanthe rectispina
© 1982 California Native Plant Society
Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta robust spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Apr-Sep FE None G2T1 S1 1B.1 Development, Logging, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral (maritime), Cismontane woodland (openings), Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub Gravelly (sometimes), Sandy (sometimes) 3 300 10 985 Yes 1980-01-01
No Photo Available
Chorizanthe valida Sonoma spineflower Polygonaceae annual herb Jun-Aug FE CE G1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Coastal prairie (sandy) 10 305 35 1000 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium andrewsii Franciscan thistle Asteraceae perennial herb Mar-Jul None None G3 S3 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other Broadleafed upland forest, Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub Mesic, Serpentine (sometimes) 0 150 0 490 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium fontinale var. campylon Mt. Hamilton thistle Asteraceae perennial herb (Feb)Apr-Oct None None G2T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Landfill, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Waterway bank protection/maintenance, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland Seeps, Serpentine 100 890 330 2920 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium ciliolatum Ashland thistle Asteraceae perennial herb Jun-Aug None CE G3 S1 2B.1 BLM_S Biocides, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Valley and foothill grassland 800 1400 2625 4595 1980-01-01 Photo of Cirsium ciliolatum
© 2021 Scot Loring
Cirsium crassicaule slough thistle Asteraceae annual/perennial herb May-Aug None None G1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Dam/Inundation, Development, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion, Waterway bank protection/maintenance Chenopod scrub, Marshes and swamps (sloughs), Riparian scrub 3 100 10 330 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale fountain thistle Asteraceae perennial herb (Apr)May-Oct FE CE G2T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Hybridization, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter Chaparral (openings), Cismontane woodland, Meadows and seeps, Valley and foothill grassland Seeps, Serpentine 45 175 150 575 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense Chorro Creek bog thistle Asteraceae perennial herb Feb-Jul(Aug-Sep) FE CE G2T2 S2 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Agriculture, Biocides, Development, Erosion/runoff, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Military operations, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Surface water diversion Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Valley and foothill grassland Seeps, Serpentine 35 385 115 1265 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum Suisun thistle Asteraceae perennial herb Jun-Sep FE None G2T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Hybridization, Improper burning regime, Non-native animal impacts, Non-native plant impacts Marshes and swamps (salt) 0 1 0 5 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium hydrophilum var. vaseyi Mt. Tamalpais thistle Asteraceae perennial herb May-Aug None None G2T1 S1 1B.2 SB_CalBG/RSABG Development, Foot traffic/trampling, Non-native plant impacts, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Broadleafed upland forest, Chaparral, Meadows and seeps Seeps, Serpentine 240 620 785 2035 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium scariosum var. loncholepis La Graciosa thistle Asteraceae perennial herb May-Aug FE CT G5T1 S1 1B.1 SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG Agriculture, Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Development, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint. Cismontane woodland, Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub, Marshes and swamps (brackish), Valley and foothill grassland Mesic, Sandy 4 220 15 720 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium occidentale var. compactum compact cobwebby thistle Asteraceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None None G3G4T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S Development, Erosion/runoff, Grazing, Non-native plant impacts, Road/trail construction/maint. Chaparral, Coastal dunes, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub 5 150 15 490 Yes 1974-01-01
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Cirsium rhothophilum surf thistle Asteraceae perennial herb Apr-Jun None CT G1 S1 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_SBBG Development, Feral pigs, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Insufficient population/stand size, Military operations, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal dunes 3 60 10 195 Yes 1974-01-01
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Clarkia amoena ssp. whitneyi Whitney's farewell-to-spring Onagraceae annual herb Jun-Aug None None G5T1 S1 1B.1 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_UCBG Agriculture, Development, Grazing Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal scrub 10 100 35 330 Yes 1980-01-01
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Clarkia australis Small's southern clarkia Onagraceae annual herb May-Aug None None G2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S; USFS_S Biocides, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Logging, Other, Road/trail construction/maint., Wood cutting or brush clearing Cismontane woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest 800 2075 2625 6810 Yes 1980-01-01
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Clarkia biloba ssp. australis Mariposa clarkia Onagraceae annual herb Apr-Jul None None G4G5T3 S3 1B.2 BLM_S; SB_CalBG/RSABG; SB_SBBG; USFS_S Altered flood/tidal/hydrologic regime, Biocides, Disking, Erosion/runoff, Foot traffic/trampling, Grazing, Improper burning regime, Mining, Non-native plant impacts, ORV activity, Other, Recreational use (non-ORV), Road/trail construction/maint., Vandalism/dumping/litter, Wood cutting or brush clearing Chaparral, Cismontane woodland Serpentine