This taxon has been postponed.
Taxon Summary:
Streptanthus vimineus was postponed. This Taxon is Streptanthus vimineus is likely a real entity, but key characters used in the Jepson eFlora need to be updated so that they reliably differentiate S. vimineus from S. barbiger. This is being actively worked on.
Scientific Name: Streptanthus vimineus (Greene) Al-Shehbaz & D.W. Taylor |
Common Name: |
Family: | Brassicaceae | |
Element Code: | ||
USDA Plants Symbol: | ||
Synonyms/Other Names: |
CA Rare Plant Rank: | PPD |
Fed List: | |
State List: | |
Global Rank: | |
State Rank: |
Other Status: | |
CRPR Changes: |
Add Date: | 2024-05-31 |
Date Edited: | 2025-01-16 |
PPD Reason: Streptanthus vimineus is likely a real entity, but key characters used in the Jepson eFlora need to be updated so that they reliably differentiate S. vimineus from S. barbiger. This is being actively worked on. |