Species Details

Muhlenbergia appressa

appressed muhly

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Photo of Muhlenbergia appressa
© 2006 Steve Matson
Photo of Muhlenbergia appressa
© 2010 James M. Andre
Photo of Muhlenbergia appressa
© 2006 Steve Matson
Scientific Name:
Muhlenbergia appressa C. Goodd.
Common Name:
appressed muhly
Family: Poaceae
Element Code: PMPOA48020
USDA Plants Symbol: MUAP
Synonyms/Other Names:
CA Rare Plant Rank: 2B.2
Fed List: None
State List: None
Global Rank: G4
State Rank:
Other Status:
CRPR Changes:
changed from 2.2 to 2B.2 on 2013-06-12
Add Date: 1994-01-01
Date Edited: 2022-03-01
Lifeform: annual herb
Blooming Period: Apr-May
20 - 1600 meters
65 - 5250 feet
General Habitats:
  • Coastal scrub
  • Mojavean desert scrub
  • Valley and foothill grassland
Microhabitat Details:
  • Rocky
Known in CA only from Providence Mtns. (SBD Co.), and SCM Isl.; has this taxon been poorly collected in CA? See Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31:504 (1914) for original description, and MadroƱo 35(4):353 (1988) for discussion of SCM Isl. records.
Total Occurrences: 29
Element Occurrence Ranks:
0 0 0 0 0 29
Occurrence Status:
Historical >20 Years 17
Recent <=20 Years 12
Presumed Extant 29
Possibly Extirpated 0
Presumed Extirpated 0
California Endemic:
California Island:
States: Name (Code)
Arizona (AZ), Baja California (BA), California (CA)
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Los Angeles (LAX), San Bernardino (SBD), San Diego (SDG)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Castle Peaks (3511532), Columbia Mtn. (3511514), Fountain Peak (3411585), Indian Cove (3411612), Julian (3311615), Ord Mountain (3411667), Pilot Knob (3511742), San Clemente Island Central (3211874), San Clemente Island South (3211873)
Definitions of codes following a county and/or quad:
* Presumed extirpated
(?) Occurrence confirmed, but possibly extirpated
Quad and county data is imported from the CNDDB. Species may be present in other areas where conditions are favorable. These data should NOT be substituted for pre-project review or for on-site surveys.
Presumed Extant
Click on quad for name. Hold Shift Key to use mouse scroll wheel