Species Details

Coptis laciniata

Oregon goldthread

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Photo of Coptis laciniata
© 2021 Scot Loring
Photo of Coptis laciniata
© 2020 Zoya Akulova
Photo of Coptis laciniata
©2012 Kjirsten Wayman

Species Description:

Coptis laciniata, commonly known as Oregon goldthread, is a perennial rhizomatous herb in the Ranunculaceae that is found in California and elsewhere. It occurs within Meadows and seeps, and North Coast coniferous forest (streambanks), growing at elevations from 0 to 1000 meters. Coptis laciniata is ranked 4.2, Plants of Limited Distribution, A Watch List; Moderately threatened in California.

CA Rare Plant Rank: 4.2
Fed List: None
State List: None
Global Rank: G4?
State Rank:
Other Status:
CRPR Changes:
changed from 2B.2 to 4.2 on 2014-09-24
added to 2.2 on 2006-10-16
Add Date: 2006-10-16
Date Edited: 2021-11-05
Lifeform: perennial rhizomatous herb
Blooming Period: (Feb)Mar-May(Sep-Nov)
0 - 1000 meters
0 - 3280 feet
General Habitats:
  • Meadows and seeps
  • North Coast coniferous forest (streambanks)
Microhabitat Details:
  • Mesic
Previously CRPR 2B.2; more common than originally known. Potentially threatened by erosion and timber harvest activities. See The Botanical Gazette 12:297 (1887) for original description.
Threat List Total: 10
Total EOs % of EOs
EOs with Threat Listed: 84 69 %
Logging 71 58%
Erosion/runoff 17 13%
Other 15 12%
Road/trail construction/maint. 12 9%
Foot traffic/trampling 11 9%
Total Occurrences: 122
Element Occurrence Ranks:
17 53 20 5 0 27
Occurrence Status:
Historical >20 Years 13
Recent <=20 Years 109
Presumed Extant 122
Possibly Extirpated 0
Presumed Extirpated 0
California Endemic:
California Island:
States: Name (Code)
California (CA), Oregon (OR), Washington (WA)
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Del Norte (DNT), Humboldt (HUM), Mendocino (MEN)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Albion (3912327), Bald Hills (4112328), Blake Mountain (4012355), Blue Creek Mtn. (4112347), Blue Lake (4012388), Board Camp Mtn. (4012366), Briceland (4012318), Broken Rib Mtn. (4112386), Cahto Peak (3912365), Cant Hook Mtn. (4112368), Cold Spring (3912315), Comptche (3912335), Dinsmore (4012345), Dutchmans Knoll (3912356), Elk (3912326), Eureka Hill (3812385), Fish Lake (4112336), French Camp Ridge (4112327), Gasquet (4112378), Hales Grove (3912377), Hiouchi (4112471), Holter Ridge (4112338), Hoopa (4112316), Iaqua Buttes (4012368), Inglenook (3912357), Johnsons (4112337), Korbel (4012378), Larabee Valley (4012346), Leggett (3912376), Lincoln Ridge (3912366), Lord-ellis Summit (4012387), Mad River Buttes (4012367), Maple Creek (4012377), Mathison Peak (3912336), Mendocino (3912337), Navarro (3912325), Northspur (3912345), Noyo Hill (3912346), Owl Creek (4012358), Panther Creek (4112318), Point Arena (3812386), Sherwood Peak (3912355), Showers Mtn. (4012356), Weitchpec (4112326), Willow Creek (4012386)
Definitions of codes following a county and/or quad:
* Presumed extirpated
(?) Occurrence confirmed, but possibly extirpated
Quad and county data is imported from the CNDDB. Species may be present in other areas where conditions are favorable. These data should NOT be substituted for pre-project review or for on-site surveys.
Presumed Extant
Click on quad for name. Hold Shift Key to use mouse scroll wheel