Species Details

Helianthus exilis

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Photo of Helianthus exilis
©2004 David A. Tharp
Photo of Helianthus exilis
©2009 Sierra Pacific Industries
Photo of Helianthus exilis
©2014 Richard Spellenberg

Species Description:

Helianthus exilis was ; The Taxon isA synonym of H. bolanderi; a common taxon.


CBR Reason:

A synonym of H. bolanderi; a common taxon.

CNPS Status Review: Proposed Deletion from California Rare Plant Rank 4.2, G3 / S3
Original Description: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 6: 519–556 (1865)
Revised Nomenclature: Molecular Ecology 25: 2630–2643 (2016)

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