Species Details

Sidalcea celata

Redding checkerbloom

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Photo of Sidalcea celata
©2014 Lawrence Janeway
Photo of Sidalcea celata
©2014 Lawrence Janeway
Scientific Name:
Sidalcea celata (Jeps.) S.R. Hill
Common Name:
Redding checkerbloom
Family: Malvaceae
Element Code: PDMAL110FG
USDA Plants Symbol: SICE3
Synonyms/Other Names:
Lifeform: perennial herb
Blooming Period: Apr-Aug
135 - 1525 meters
445 - 5005 feet
General Habitats:
  • Cismontane woodland
Microhabitat Details:
  • Serpentine (sometimes)
Move to List 1B? Some plants from AMA, ELD, SIS, and TRI cos. resemble S. celata, but are outside of known range; needs further study. Herbarium material is difficult to identify; needs field surveys. Similar to S. asprella, S. gigantea, and S. robusta. A synonym of S. malviflora ssp. asprella in TJM (1993). See Flora of California 2(1):492-493 (1936) by W.L. Jepson for original description and Madroño 56(2):285-292 (2009) for taxonomic treatment.
Similar to S. asprella, S. gigantea, and S. robusta. A synonym of S. malviflora ssp. asprella in TJM (1993).
Total Occurrences: 0
Element Occurrence Ranks:
0 0 0 0 0 0
Occurrence Status:
Historical >20 Years 0
Recent <=20 Years 0
Presumed Extant 0
Possibly Extirpated 0
Presumed Extirpated 0
California Endemic:
California Island:
States: Name (Code)
California (CA)
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Plumas (PLU), Shasta (SHA), Siskiyou (SIS), Tehama (TEH)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Almanor (4012122), Bartle (4112137), Cottonwood (4012243), Dunsmuir (4112223), Enterprise (4012253), Hagaman Gulch (4012157), Oak Run (4012261), Olinda (4012244), Ono (4012245), Polar Bear Mtn. (4112385), Project City (4012263), Red Bluff East (4012222), Redding (4012254), Rosewood (4012235), Shasta Dam (4012264)
Definitions of codes following a county and/or quad:
* Presumed extirpated
(?) Occurrence confirmed, but possibly extirpated
Quad and county data is imported from the CNDDB. Species may be present in other areas where conditions are favorable. These data should NOT be substituted for pre-project review or for on-site surveys.
Presumed Extant
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