Species Details

Prosartes parvifolia S. Watson

Siskiyou bells

Photo of Prosartes parvifolia
©2010 Kjirsten Wayman
Scientific Name:
Prosartes parvifolia S. Watson
Common Name:
Siskiyou bells
Family: Liliaceae
Element Code: PMLIL0R014
USDA Plants Symbol:
Synonyms/Other Names:
CA Rare Plant Rank: 1B.2
Fed List: None
State List: None
Global Rank: G2
State Rank:
Other Status: SB_UCSC; USFS_S
CRPR Changes:
added to 1B.2 on 2012-02-08
Add Date: 2012-02-08
Date Edited: 2023-04-04


CNPS Status Review: Proposed New Add to Rank 1B.2, G2 / S2
Original Description: Botany of California 2:179 (1880)
Taxonomic Treatment: Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 15:188 (1888)
Taxonomic Treatment: Taxon 43(3):353-366 (1994)
Taxonomic Treatment: MadroƱo 57(2):129-135 (2010)
Species Account: Prosartes parvifolia profile for potential Species of Conservation Concern evaluation (2018)
Other: USFS Potential Species of Conservation Concern Profile