Species Details

Erythronium oregonum

giant fawn lily

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Photo of Erythronium oregonum
©2021 Scot Loring
Photo of Erythronium oregonum
©2016 Keir Morse
Photo of Erythronium oregonum
© 2021 Scot Loring

Species Description:

Erythronium oregonum, commonly known as giant fawn lily, is a perennial herb in the Liliaceae that is found in California and elsewhere. It occurs within Cismontane woodland, and Meadows and seeps, growing at elevations from 100 to 1150 meters. Erythronium oregonum is ranked 2B.2, Plants Rare, Threatened, or Endangered in California, But More Common Elsewhere; Moderately threatened in California.

Lifeform: perennial herb
Blooming Period: Mar-Jun(Jul)
100 - 1150 meters
330 - 3775 feet
General Habitats:
  • Cismontane woodland
  • Meadows and seeps
Microhabitat Details:
  • Openings
  • Rocky
  • Serpentine (sometimes)
Need quad for TRI Co. Threatened by horticultural collecting, road maintenance, and logging. Possibly threatened by trampling. California populations are geographically separate; may be a white form of E. revolutum. Specimens with white anthers sometimes referred to as ssp. leucandrum. See Madrono 3: 99 (1935) for original description and Madrono 35(1): 32-38 (1988) for taxonomic treatment.
Threat List Total: 9
Total EOs % of EOs
EOs with Threat Listed: 17 45 %
Logging 15 39%
Road/trail construction/maint. 12 31%
Other 6 15%
Foot traffic/trampling 5 13%
Wood cutting or brush clearing 4 10%
Total Occurrences: 38
Element Occurrence Ranks:
4 10 4 0 0 20
Occurrence Status:
Historical >20 Years 16
Recent <=20 Years 22
Presumed Extant 38
Possibly Extirpated 0
Presumed Extirpated 0
California Endemic:
California Island:
States: Name (Code)
California (CA), Oregon (OR), Washington (WA)
California Counties and Islands: Name (Code)
Del Norte (DNT), Humboldt (HUM), Siskiyou (SIS)
Quads: Name (Quad Code)
Blue Creek Mtn. (4112347), Blue Lake (4012388), Cecilville (4112322), Ettersburg (4012328), Fish Lake (4112336), Gasquet (4112378), Grouse Mtn. (4012376), Hiouchi (4112471), Hoopa (4112316), Hupa Mountain (4112317), Iaqua Buttes (4012368), Johnsons (4112337), Lord-ellis Summit (4012387), Myers Flat (4012337), Panther Creek (4112318), Scotia (4012441), Somes Bar (4112344), Taylor Peak (4012442), Tish Tang Point (4112315), Willow Creek (4012386), Yager Junction (4012357)
Definitions of codes following a county and/or quad:
* Presumed extirpated
(?) Occurrence confirmed, but possibly extirpated
Quad and county data is imported from the CNDDB. Species may be present in other areas where conditions are favorable. These data should NOT be substituted for pre-project review or for on-site surveys.
Presumed Extant
Click on quad for name. Hold Shift Key to use mouse scroll wheel